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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 520

Chapter 520

However, shortly after that, Hayley's assistant returned with a grave expression. "Miss Stone, Philip Grayson is in trouble."

As soon as Hayley heard that, her heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she immediately questioned, "What happened to him?"

She also stood up abruptly from her seat and turned to look at her personal assistant impatiently.

Her personal assistant did not keep anything from her, and she told her everything that she had found out. "For some reason, last night there was a squad of policemen that turned up at the bar, and not only was Philip Grayson taken into custody, the bar was also sealed off."

Instantly, Hayley's expression took a turn for the worse, and there was a look of fright that flashed across her eyes. Philip Grayson's in custody, and the bar's sealed off too. Could it be related to the job I gave him yesterday?

With this in mind, she couldn’t help questioning her assistant, "Did you find out the exact reason why they were taken into custody?"

"I asked the people working nearby, but none of them knew the exact details." Her assistant responded frankly.

At that point, Hayley's heart thudded frantically, and there was a tremor in her voice as she spoke, "Could it be because of us?"

Her assistant was also aware of the deal she had with Philip.

She considered the situation for a moment before shaking her head. "I don't think that it’s related to us. If it was, the police would have come after us by now."

Hayley thought about it and found that her assistant's words made sense, so she finally felt slightly at ease. However, she was still somewhat apprehensive.

As soon as her assistant noticed that, she advised, "Miss Hayley, perhaps Philip Grayson committed some offense, so you shouldn't take this to heart and let it get to you."

At that moment, she also wished that this was merely her imagination running wild as she listened to her assistant's words.

She waved to gesture for her assistant to leave the room and sal in her office silently for a moment before continuing to handle her work.

Later in the day, Hayley brought her assistant to attend the weekly company meeting.

During the meeting, Nero announced with a grave expression, "The collaboration project that we submitted to Sawyer Group previously was rejected by them. Furthermore, they've identified multiple issues with our proposal."

Hayley's heart sank upon hearing that. Meanwhile, all of the upper management level staff turned to glance in her direction because she was the one in charge of the project.

Nero continued, "Miss Stone, I hope that you can resolve the issues pointed out by Sawyer Group as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir." Hayley nodded her head to indicate that she agreed. However, she couldn't seem to shake off the uneasy feeling in her mind.

Half an hour later, after the meeting ended, Nero sent for Hayley to see him in his office.

"What's going on with the project? Why are there so many issues all of a sudden? Did you check and ensure everything was completed properly back then?"

Meanwhile, Hayley responded seriously when faced with her father's interrogation, "I double-checked and made sure that everything was completed flawlessly when we handed over the proposal. There was nothing wrong with it then."

As soon as Nero heard that, he frowned while maintaining his silence.

Hayley noticed that, and she couldn't help questioning him, "Besides this, did Sawyer Group mention anything else?"

"They didn't bring up anything else." Nero comprehended her words, but he shook his head at her.

This caused her to start biting at her lower lip in anxiety.

As for Nero, he was engrossed in his thoughts too. Since Hayley had mentioned that she had double­checked the proposal, there could only be one reason for the rejection.


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