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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 534

Chapter 534

If one looked closely, one would be able to sec words carved on the inner curve of the ring. Nicholas walked over to Tessa before holding onto her right hand. He slipped the ring directly onto her ring finger. She noticed a cold sensation on her finger and instinctively looked down. She was stunned by what she saw. She gazed at her slender fingers to find a simple yet elegant ring on her fourth finger. "This is...”

Her head shot up to give Nicholas a puzzled gaze. A surge of anxiousness and eagerness filled her chest. He lowered his head and gazed at her before speaking in a relatively hoarse voice, "It's a wedding ring. Do you like it?" She froze for a moment before she ran her fingers across the ring. Her heart pounded like crazy— this entire thing caught her by surprise.

Nicholas took a long look at her expression before lifting his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I didn't want to let you go, but I knew I couldn't force you to stay by my side. This was the only way I could think of to keep you by my side when you're far away." The man's deep voice and his sweet words made her feel extremely touched.

She parted her lips as if she were about to say something, but before she could utter a single word, he pressed his finger against her lips. "Shush. Let me

finish my words," he spoke gently.

She took a look at the man before her eyes. In the end, she could only nod as she swallowed the words she had wanted to say.

Nicholas curled his lips into a smile before speaking in his warm and soft voice. "I know you might think of this as a really simplified form of a proposal, but I just thought that this would make you feel a little more secure. As long as this ring is with you, you will always feel like I'm by your side. I know you've always felt insecure since we started dating, but I just wanted you to know that we ll always be together. No matter where you are, I'll always be one call away. I'll always be there when you need me, no matter how far apart we are from one another."

After hearing his sweet words, Tessa pressed her lips together while staring at the handsome man in front of her. She felt like she was close to tears because she had never expected him to arrange such a surprise for her. Then, her vision started to grow blurry as tears filled her eyes.

"What am I supposed to do? I don't even feel like leaving now." She suddenly lowered her arms before taking a large step forward to hug him tightly. Her voice made her sound like she was smiling through her tears, and he smiled while hugging her back just as tightly.

"Don't leave, then. Stay with me." He rubbed his chin against her forehead while speaking in a tender voice. She pressed her face against his chest to hear his steady and strong heartbeat and remained silent for a long while afterward. How am I supposed to stay here? If I don't leave now, how will I ever be a good match for someone as outstanding as him? She kept quiet for a moment to contain her emotions.

When she lifted her face from his chest, her watery eyes were filled with love for the man. "Although I'm going to miss you really badly, I believe that we'll have to be separated temporarily for the sake of a better future," she said. He naturally understood her intentions—he knew that she wanted to leave in order to prove that she was a woman who could match his standards. However, his emotions were a complete mess.

"I’ll support you no matter what you do," he muttered as he tightened his arms around her body.

Tessa was too touched to speak, so she hugged him tightly and pressed her face against her chest again. Both of their bodies pressed against each other under the dim glow of the moon. Their surroundings—the lights, the fresh flowers, and the gorgeous decorations made them look like a scene from a painting.


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