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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 548

Chapter 548
Hayley bit her bottom lip while glaring at Nicholas resentfully. However, he only responded with a cold and threatening glare. “This is your last chance. If you ever do anything again, it will be the end of the Stone Family!”
The moment Hayley heard his sentence, she lifted her head to give him a look of disbelief. “Do you really have to be so heartless?”
“I mean what I say. Don’t you dare test my limits!” He didn’t allow any space for further discussion, and there was a grave look on his face. Hayley felt like she was being thrown into an abyss when she realized he wasn’t messing around. At that moment, she truly realized that the relationship between the Stones and the Sawyers no longer existed.
After Nicholas finished his words, he no longer looked at Hayley-he simply turned to give his orders to Edward. “Please send Miss Stone out of my office.” Edward didn’t dare to dawdle as he immediately took action to usher her out of the building.
Hayley found herself being chased out of Sawyer Group. From outside the building, she glanced up at the window where Nicholas’s room was located. Her face was filled with hatred, and she eventually stormed off and headed home.

Once she got home, she locked herself into the room. The more she thought about the situation, the more she felt angry. How could Nicholas treat me like that? I only did those things because I wanted to marry him! “D*mn it! D*mn it!” She was fuming, and everything around her seemed to annoy her right then. She flung her limbs around and smashed everything that she could lay her hands on in her room. Soon enough, several things in her room were broken and shattered on the ground.
The loud noises immediately caught Nero and Sonia’s attention. “What are you doing, Hayley?” Sonia pushed Hayley’s door open to find the room in a mess and looked at her daughter with worry. In contrast, Nero frowned when he saw the state of the room.
When Hayley saw her parents, she suddenly felt extremely sorry for herself. “Nicholas was too much, Mom and Dad!” Her parents exchanged glances before questioning her. “What did he do
to you?”
“Nicholas knew about everything all along. Nevertheless, he has been attacking us in an attempt to teach us a lesson.” She told her parents about what happened during her visit to Nicholas’s office that afternoon. “He gave us a warning-he said that we’d be dead meat if we tried any tricks again,” Hayley cried.
Both Nero and Sonia’s faces darkened upon hearing her words. Nero’s face, in particular, turned into a sickly green color. He could tell that he was being trampled upon, yet there was nothing they could do!
At that moment in time, the most the Stone Family could manage to do was to survive and pull through. However, their daughter had just ruined their last sliver of hope. Nero shut his eyes briefly, and he hunched his shoulders in disappointment. However, when he opened his eyes again, there was a firm determination in his eyes. “You need to stop meeting Nicholas from now on, Hayley,” he announced resolutely.
“But I can’t just let things be!” Hayley cried as she stared at her father with bloodshot eyes.
Nero shot her a displeased look. “Well, are you going to risk the Stone Family’s well-being for the sake of your happiness?” Hayley bit her bottom lip furiously. Sonia could tell that their conflict was about to escalate, so she quickly stepped forward. “Hayley’s really hurt by this matter too, Nero. Stop reprimanding her.”
“Would she understand how serious this matter is if I didn’t scold her for her behavior?!” Nero disagreed with Sonia’s point of view. “If she can’t let go of him now, the Stones will just end up like the Ginghams!
“There’s no way that will happen. Our relationship with the Sawyers is much stronger than the Ginghams and the Sawyers.” Sonia figured that Nero was just exaggerating the matter. However, Nero then shot his wife a cold glare. “Do you know Nicholas well enough to say that?”
Sonia was rendered speechless, so Nero scoffed before he continued. “Judging from what happened to the Gingham Family, I believe that Nicholas has the capacity to do anything he wants to do once he puts his mind to it.”
Nero turned to look at Hayley before speaking in a threatening tone. “I want you to remember not to ever look for Nicholas again. Otherwise, you can’t blame me for being a heartless father. I’ll send you out of the country.”
Hayley froze in her spot. Her chest felt heavy with hatred and self-pity. However, her father’s words gave her another idea. Since I can’t do much with Nicholas here, perhaps I can go overseas to ruin Tessa’s life instead.


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