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An Eight-year-old Princess novel Chapter 97

After the incense accident, a profound silence engulfed the Palace. But, within the silence, something invisible and intangible pullulated. Yun Shang wasn't in her usual inquiring mood. To her, the pleasure of probing was not worth the trouble. Thus, for most of her time, she lay on her bed and read.

Time passed, and the 29th day of the 12th lunar month arrived. The next day would be New Year's Eve, the biggest day of the year. To celebrate the New Year, the Palace had been busy since the 20th day of the 12th lunar month, and the good cheer would last until the Lantern Festival. Among the fuss, Yun Shang was enjoying her long-deserved rest. As a Princess, she was entitled to stay idle. The only thing she needed to do was participate in the royal banquet on New Year's Eve.

When she thought it over, a question suddenly flashed across her mind. Would Hua Jing attend the banquet too? Thinking of that, Yun Shang grinned. Since her return to the Imperial City, Hua Jing had never been seen in the Palace. It was claimed that she had been ill due to depression. But that was an excuse. According to Yun Shang's information, Hua Jing was trying to conceal her pregnancy, which would destroy her reputation in an instant.

"Your Highness..." Qian Yin lifted the curtain and entered the room. Her face was red from the cold. In her hand, she carried a tray. "Your Highness, it's snowed again. The kitchen has made some soup for you. I've brought some. Do you want to taste?"

Yun Shang put down her book. "Sure." She sat up, slipped her feet into her slippers, and walked to the table.

"The weather is getting colder. And New Year's Eve is coming. There will be many things to do tomorrow. Tell the maids to get some rest tonight. By the way, would you be so kind as to take the night duty?" Asked Yun Shang softly.

Qian Yin giggled. She nodded to the Princess, "Of course. I will tell them about your thoughtfulness, Your Highness. Be prepared to be praised." Qian Yin wasn't worried about Yun Shang's safety. Yun Shang's Palace was guarded by the Yulin Guard. And Qian Yin herself was well-trained in martial arts. Nothing could happen to Yun Shang in her presence. Furthermore, the servants had been busy with the Lunar New Year for a long time. They needed some rest.

Yun Shang had some soup. Then she asked Qian Yin to put away the pot. The winter was cold and windy. The days were short and the nights were long. By 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky had started to get dark. Having had her dinner, Yun Shang washed and went to bed. It had been a while since Yun Shang had celebrated New Year's Eve at the Palace. She barely remembered the ritual. Memories from her previous life allowed her to recall that the ceremony was complicated and boring.

As she had ordered, the maids went to bed early as well. Before long, silence fell over Qingxin Palace.

Although sound sleep, Yun Shang suddenly felt as though someone was watching her in the dark. She stirred. As her eyes snapped open, she realized the feeling wasn't a dream. She saw someone standing in front of her bed.

Yun Shang wasn't startled. She quietly reached for the dagger under her pillow. As the figure let down his guard, she straightened herself, and stabbed the figure in his chest.

The figure seemed surprised. He dodged the blow, but the dagger still bit into his arm. "It's me, " said the figure.

Yun Shang hesitated. Then she recognized his voice.


The figure sighed as he spoke, "It seems my fears were misplaced. You are quite able to protect yourself."

Yun Shang quickly got off her bed. She lit the glaze lamp on the table and turned around. In the lamp light, she saw a man in black sitting on her bed. It was indeed, Prince Jing.

In disbelief, Yun Shang studied him from head to toe. The Prince looked travel-stained. A newly-cut wound on his arm oozed blood. She had done that...

"Are you hurt, uncle?" Yun Shang went to Prince Jing, lifted his wide sleeve, and had a closer look. She was a trained warrior, and apparently, her uncle had been caught off guard. The dagger was very sharp. Accordingly, the wound was neat in appearance, almost like a red line. But Yun Shang was aware that it was a deep cut.

Yun Shang took out a jade vial from her drawer. As she applied the ointment on Prince Jing's arm, she asked, "Did you just arrive, uncle? And why did you break into my palace? Luckily I recognized your voice. Or you'd be wounded worse..."

As Prince Jing watched Yun Shang, the joy he felt showed in his eyes. "You're one to talk, Shang'er. Why didn't you even leave me a note when you left the camp? And why didn't you send a single letter to me after your arrival at the Imperial City? How could I not worry about you?"

"Em..." Puzzled at his words, Yun Shang raised her head and winked. She didn't think her relationship with Prince Jing was good enough to merit her disclosing her whereabouts.

Prince Jing glanced at her. To his surprise, he was vexed by her indifference. He sneered, "I thought, to you, I was a little different. But it seems I've flattered myself."

Yun Shang gave an embarrassed chuckle. She lowered her head to conceal her feelings, as she was somewhat nervous.

Prince Jing regretted his words. It seemed he was a little out of line. Where was his calmness and restraint? And why was he easily provoked by Yun Shang? He felt uncomfortable with this change.

Prince Jing said nothing more. Collecting himself, he got up, and jumped out through the window.

Yun Shang stood by the window and looked in the direction the Prince had disappeared into. After a long while, she hurried to the hallway and called, "Qian Yin!"

She then found Qian Yin asleep on the floor. The loud noises had failed to catch her attention. Yun Shang quickly examined her and was relieved to find her drugged, not dead. But tonight's incident reminded her that Qingxin Palace needed to be fortified. Prince Jing was an ally. But what if her enemies had broken in?

Yun Shang thought about the situation as she returned to her bed.

Once out of Qingxin Palace, Prince Jing headed toward Qinzheng Hall.

Qinzheng Hall was brightly lit up. Lord Zheng stood at the door. He rubbed his hands and stomped his feet to stay warm. Prince Jing walked toward him. Lord Zheng hurriedly approached, "Your Highness? Were you not at the frontier? When did you return to the Imperial City?" A questioning look came into Lord Zheng's eyes. Why did the Prince appear at this late hour? And how, since the gates had been locked?

Prince Jing didn't answer his questions. He nodded at Lord Zheng, "I need to talk to my brother. I've got emergencies to report."

Lord Zheng paused, then he quickly said, "Please wait here for a moment, Your Highness. I will inform His Majesty now." He bowed and walked into the hall.

After that, silence filled the air. Suddenly, a snowflake fell and caught Prince Jing's eye. As he gazed at the night sky, he saw that it had started to snow. Prince Jing let out a sigh, but he was smiling.

The door flew open behind him. Prince Jing turned and saw Lord Zheng walk out. "Your Highness, the Emperor wants to see you."

Prince Jing nodded and entered. As he walked in, he felt it was very warm in the hall. Behind the desk at the far end of the room sat the Emperor. He raised his head and watched as Prince Jing walked toward him.

Prince Jing stopped five steps away from Emperor Ning. He knelt. "My sincere apologies, Your Majesty. I am so sorry I have returned without your permission."

Emperor Ning gazed at him and noticed the wound on his arm. Was his brother newly hurt?

"Rise. What is the emergency? And how did you get hurt? Did you encounter an assassin?" Emperor Ning stood up from his royal chair and walked around his desk toward Prince Jing. His eyes remain fixed on the wound. It seemed that the Prince had been hurt by a sharp weapon, and the wound had been carefully tended. And the ointment smelt so familiar... Emperor Ning sniffed again. The ointment was refreshing to smell. He identified it to be Ningxiang Gel, which was a special medicine made by the Imperial Hospital and could only be used by members of the imperial household.

Prince Jing noticed the Emperor's gaze. He bowed his head and answered, "I wasn't attacked, brother. I was wounded by Princess Yun Shang. I went by her palace and was mistaken as an intruder. So..."

Shang'er? Emperor Ning frowned at his words. "Ridiculous! Shang'er is an unmarried Princess, and you are her uncle. What were you doing, intruding her palace at late night? Her reputation would be destroyed if word spread!"


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