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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 194

An Impossible Marriage 

Chapter 194 

In order to not make Christopher suspicious, Margaret asked for a half-hour leave from Leila. The reason she chose not to tell Casper directly was because she was afraid he would pass the news on to Christopher.

After exiting the building, she bought some fruits and hailed a taxi to the hospital. She enquired into Jenson’s room number and headed over. When she arrived at the ward, she stood outside the door, hesitating for a while before finally knocking. With that, Jenson’s elegant voice sounded from inside. “Come in.”

Margaret’s heart calmed down considerably after hearing his voice. She smiled faintly and pushed the door open. “Hey, I got off work early. I thought I’d pay you a visit at the hospital. How are you feeling?”

Jenson was surprised to see Margaret. He never expected her to come here. However, it did not take him long to recover to his senses. His eyes lit in excitement as he greeted, “Oh, wow. I didn’t think you’d come here. I’m fine. My leg is broken, but it’s not that bad. Take a seat.”

Margaret looked him over, and the weight of guilt in her heart intensified. Jenson had been a perfectly healthy man, but now he was lying in bed with a hospital gown. There was a cast on his leg, and his face was paler than ever. He looked as though someone had sucked the life out of him. “Hey. Um… I’m really sorry.”

Jenson chuckled. “What for?”

She bit her lip. “About Lewis Corporation buying over Swanson Corporation. Since you’ve returned, so many things have happened. I don’t even know what to say. I apologize on Christopher’s behalf. Unfortunately, I can’t stop him. That’s why I’m sorry. I’ve always treated you as my best friend. We have such wonderful memories together. However, I think it’s best if you keep your distance from me. So long as we cut off contact, the Swanson family will be fine, and so will you.”

Chapter 194 1


Chapter 194

He paused before continuing, “I tried my best not to look for you. When you were admitted into the hospital for the second time due to your miscarriage, I knew. I didn’t come to see you because I was afraid he would punish you for it. Christopher, that man… I can’t understand him. He seems so perfect, but when it comes to you… Forget it. Let’s not talk about him. I just want you to know that I’m not afraid of things getting worse. No matter what, I’ll always be here. If I had to compare the two, I think distancing myself from you is worse.”


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