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Arrogant President Dotes on Me novel Chapter 28

The two of them were just about to get a cab back, when Matthew Todd greeted Baron Howard with a huge smile on his face.

"Mr Howard."

He greeted Andrea, "Hi, Ms Anderson, long time no see.”

Andrea politely nodded towards Matthew. Baron's facial expression remained unfazed. "Mr Todd, is there something I can help you with?"

“No, nothing,” Matthew said. “I just wanted to congratulate you, Baron, for winning the bid on something you like." Matthew put on an expression of regret.

"The bracelets are truly very beautiful, it's a pity I couldn't outbid you. Baron, you waged everything to win the bid on the bracelet to give to Mrs Howard, she must be very happy."

'Mrs Howard'? This was the first time Andrea has heard anyone mention her. After all, Baron usually never mentions her at all, much less the servants in the villa.

Baron's reply was very cold. "Thank you, Mr Todd, I did what I should do, the rest has nothing to do with me."

Baron obviously doesn't want to continue this conversation with Matthew. "Apologies," he said, stepping into the car. "I can't keep you company any longer, please show yourself out Mr Todd."

Andrea followed quickly, and glanced back after sitting in the car.

A silhouette appeared next to Matthew.

This silhouette seems a little familiar, but she can’t immediately remember where she has seen it before… Andrea shook her head, she didn’t need to think about this anymore.

When the annual holiday was over, KJ Group’s employees also returned to work.

The fashion label Andrea designed previously also officially released to the market.

Andrea had been nervously monitoring the feedback from the market.


Queena Freeman’s voice brought Andrea out of her daydream.

“Give this document to Mr Howard,” Queena said, handing her a blue folder.

“Okay,” Andrea replied.

Andrea carried the folder and took the elevator up to the top floor.

She just exited the lift, when Baron’s assistant came to her and asked, “Ms Anderson, you’re here to deliver the document?”

Andrea nodded.

The assistant turned to look at office’s open door, then whispered, “Ms Anderson, please hold on a bit. Baron is giving someone a talking-to.”

Why was he scolding people again?

Andrea frowned. It seemed like Baron’s mood hasn’t been so great since the night of the auction.

In fact, with Baron’s poor mood, everyone below him suffered too, the atmosphere at the company was really tense. It is fine if they don’t make a mistake, but if they do, then they’re dead.

Even though Baron never swears loudly, his ice cold demeanour really made people uncomfortable. Andrea waited outside for around twenty minutes. A dejected looking superior came out, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and with a forced smile, nodded at the assistant and Andrea.

“Ms Anderson, you may go on in,” the assistant beckoned her in.

Andrea pushed open the door, and carefully walked in.

Baron was in his seat, with his eyes closed. Hearing some movement and seeing her enter, he coldly asked, “What is the matter?”

“Ms Freeman told me to send you some documents.”

Andrea nervously handed over the folder.

Baron flipped over the folder, signed something and told her to take it.

Andrea quietly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left the office.

An unhappy Baron is a really scary thing.

At least there was still a bit of good news in this high pressure, suffocating atmosphere.

The good news was announced at the meeting, held at the last minute.

The meeting’s administrator, Queena, said to Andrea with a smile, “This year’s Oops spring label has sold very well, especially after Andrea’s design. They were recommended by an influencer, and stock in many stores across the country has sold out.”

All the other designers applauded Andrea.

Andrea humbly added, “Everyone helped me a lot, this was a team effort, everyone deserves credit.” Everyone was happy.

Everyone, except Viola Johnson, who rolled her eyes with contempt.

Andrea has gotten used to her ages ago.

In fact, after the grand release of the spring collection, Andrea's importance in the group has gradually increased.

Sometimes, Viola would purposely find make her life difficult for her, but some people have stood up for her.


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