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At Your Disposal, Madam novel Chapter 50

Jane ran to chased him.

Jamie hurriedly rushed up, pulled Jane and said, “Wait here for me."

After speaking, Jamie quickly ran up.

A very handsome man was running after a thin man in front of him.

A few minutes later, Jamie approached. With a roundabout kick in the air and a stretch of his long legs, Jamie kicked the thin man right in the middle of his back.

The man stumbled and was kicked straight down.

Jamie coldly stepped on the hand of the thin man, the man screamed out.

Jane followed and was panting. Seeing Jamie’s face of fierce appearance, her heart rate became faster.

Jamie looked at the bystanders and said, "Excuse me, could you call police?"

When he was well spoken, he was really well behaved, with a convivial face and a proper smile on his face, and a pair of charming eyes, which made one's heart beat faster.

The girl responded and flushed. She called the police.

Jane came over and saw this scene. She thought why he smiled like that? Was he trying to attract others?

Jamie saw Jane and immediately showed his charming smile and said, “Jane, here is your bag."

Jane took the bag. The police also rushed over, took the thief away after taking oral record.

Jane was tightly holding her bag. Jamie looked at her, with eyes slightly deep. Now he had the strength to scold her.

"Jane, if the thief takes your bag, you should not chase him. What if he has a knife in his hand?"

Jane was not angry when she heard Jamie reprimanded her.

She was a little flushed, but he ran after her without asking why.

Seeing her still smiling, Jamie was rather annoyed, “I am talking to you. Did you hear me?"

Jane smiled, "Yes, I did. Jamie, you are very kind."

Jamie froze. The little girl smiled sweetly, with a smile corner of the mouth.

She had red lips and white teeth and stars in her eyes, which made Jamie really want to hug the little girl into his arms and kiss her.

His Adam's apple was slightly rolling, said in a hoarse voice, “Don’t chase the thief if I were not there."

Jane took out a photo from her bag and said, "I can lose anything. But this is my mother's photo. I don't want to lose it."

Jamie lowered his eyes and saw Jane’s mother in the photo. She was in her early twenties, looking beautiful. Jane's eyebrows and eyes looked like hers.

Jane put away the photo carefully and said, "Although I have never seen my mother since I was born, I have always kept my mother's photos in my bag no matter where I went since I was young."

Her eyes had the lonely feeling, “I want my mother to go anywhere with me."

So, the photo can't be lost.

Jamie heart was soft and heartache.

Without mother, Jane grew up with her father. She should have been a lot of unfair treatment. For example, she might be teased by others.

But she was still smiling, optimistic and strong.

Jamie found himself like Jane more.

When they returned the Lo family, Yates was playing chess with Sanford.

Sanford kept repent chess, Yates was angry.

If he were not bored, he would not play chess with Sanford.

When he saw Jane go back, Yates sighed of relief. He stood up and said, “Well, I don't want to play with you anymore. I give up.”

Jamie could not help laughing in his heart.

Everyone knew that Sanford always played repent chess, and will not agree to play chess with him.

Yates did not understand the fact and played with him.

Seeing Yates unexpectedly walk at will in the living room, Jane was very surprised, “Dad, you are all right? How do you feel?"

Yates moved his arm, and said, “I just fell on my head but not hands and feet, I am ok."

He solemnly said to Mrs. Lo, "Mrs. Lo, we have lived here for many days, and I think We will leave tomorrow."

Mrs. Lo winked at Sanford. Sanford coughed and said, "Yates, listen to me. Be careful. You should stay in Lo's home for observation for another day. I will accompany you to the hospital the day after tomorrow for another detailed examination. If the doctor says it's ok, you can leave."

It would not be good if the wound got infection in summer.

Yates did not insist.

Although there were many things waiting for him at home, what the doctor said was important.


After dinner, everyone sat together watching TV in a slightly awkward atmosphere.

Jane suddenly realized that living in someone else's home was really uncomfortable.

If she was staying in a hotel, she can binge-watch if she wanted to, and stayed in bed if she wanted to.

Now she had to be coy in other’s room.

The host did not go to rest, and of course she was ashamed to leave.


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