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At Your Disposal, Madam novel Chapter 52

She was so shy that she had just settled the relationship between her and Jamie, and now she was kissed by him in this way. She didn’t dare to face Jamie and nodded. She ran back to her own room.

God! She has been kissed twice by Jamie at this gate!

Jamie, however, stretched out his long fingers and gently touched his lips. The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, giving a charming and sexy smile.

Sure enough, the little girl's taste was so good that it was almost impossible to stop.

Jamie knocked gently at the door, while the sound of knocking seemed to knock on Jane's heart.

Jane's voice was trembling, “Jamie, are there anything?”

She did not open the door, Jamie said to her through a door, "Jane, open the door, I still have something to say to you. And you did not tell me when you liked me."

Jane blushed with shame, Jamie was too abominable. She was so captivated by beauty that she said she was willing to give it a try. Where was all her daughter pride?

"Open the door, I promise I won't do anything to you."

Jane didn’t believe him.

The man gave her palpitations by kissing her at every turn.

Jane suspected that she would have heart attack if he kept doing so.

No movement was outside the door. Jane waited for a moment, quietly opened the door. However, in the next second, Jamie put his legs into the door and stuck it.

Jamie eyes are smiling.

When he laughed, he was as pretty as the sun.

He was evil charming, she can't help but indulge.

Jane exclaimed, “I thought you have left."

Jamie looked at her, with spoiled look, “Jane, are you afraid of me?"

Jane nodded but shook her head later.

Jamie said, “Good night, Jane."

That was what he was about to say.

Jane breathed a sigh of relief, Jamie suddenly approached, “Do you expect that I will say something else?"

Jane was angry, "I don’t, now leave."

However, Jamie suddenly approached her, and a shallow kiss fell on her forehead. Then, Jamie reached out his big hand and gently rubbed her head, saying, "Good night, Jane."

Jane froze, feeling the warmth of the hand that was staying at the top of her hair.

Jane suddenly reminded that she was helpless for a few days, but Jamie accompanied her.

When Jamie turned to leave, Jane did not know where the courage came from and she reached out her hands and hugged Jamie's waist.

Jamie’s back was against her, she put out her arms around his slim waist.

Jamie was stunned.

This was the first time Jane took the initiative.

After hugging, Jane was ashamed and wished that she could find a hole into the ground.

When she was about to let him go, Jamie put out his hand to hold her two hands, not letting her withdraw.

Jamie’s voice became hoarse. Originally he just wanted to say good night to the girl, he did not expect the girl was enthusiastic.

"Jane, are you reluctant to let me go? Why don't we sleep together tonight?"

Jane tried hard to get out of the arms of Jamie, blushing like a red tomato, “You, Jamie Lo, you are a rascal!"

She didn't even shout.

Seeing Jane ashamed and furious, Jamie was in a good mood.

Jamie usually did not wrong himself, but Jane's patience to Jane has exceeded his imagination.

"Jane, we're boyfriend and girlfriend. It's natural for a boyfriend to act like a rascal to his girlfriend."

Jane really didn't know why she thought Jamie was a fairy.

He was totally not a fairy.

Seeing Jane angry from shame, Jamie put out his hand to Jane in the arms, and gently said, “Well, Jane, don't be angry. You can ask other people if this is true of relationships. Like you, so I touch you, pull your hand and want to kiss you."

His embrace was very warm. Jane felt hot and agitated from the bottom of her heart spreading all over the body, she did not know what happened to her.

Jamie was holding her, kissed her hair. Jane felt itchy in hair.

Jamie hugged her and released her, saying to her, "Good night, Jane."

Jane blushed and said, "Good night, Jamie."

This night, Jane did not sleep well. She dreamt that Jamie was holding her and kissing her.

When Jane woke up in the morning, she yawned and her face turned red when she saw Jamie.

Mrs. Lo was quite amused.

However, because Jamie told her that Jane was thin-skinned in advance and asked her not to mention that thing, Jane felt at ease.

Yates wanted to return to Jiang City, so today he went to the hospital for a check.

Jamie naturally accompanied him.

Yates said, "Don't you have to work? You can’t be prodigal even you are from a rich family."

Words of Yates made Jane laugh.

Jamie was domineering, but humble to Yates.

Jane know Jamie did it for her, because Yates her family.

Such a thought, Jane felt sweet in the heart.


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