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Auctioned Mates Revenge novel Chapter 6

#Chapter 6 Your mistress 

The drive went surprisingly quickly, though I shouldn‘t have been surprised. Mat was practically a prince of the Warhammer’s city. If he went over the speed limit, who would stop him? He probably got away with all sorts of things, up to and including mundane murders. He and his pack had gotten away with a massacre. What were a few innocent pedestrians

The lights of the city faded into the distance as we went over several hills on the only path that led into the mountains. My heart raced as he guided the car around the sharp, winding curves. There were sudden dips and changes in direction like being on a roller coaster 

It had been years since I had been on one, but I remember enjoying them a lot.

Just ahead there was another sharp turn yet he didn‘t seem to be slowing down. 

“Scared?” he asked, his voice challenging and oddly teasing.

“No,” I smiled 

If he thought plummeting from a mountain was scary, he would break if I ever did tell him the hell that I had survived. Maybe I would save that before stabbing him to death or however I ended up killing him. After everything, fear was foreign to me as it had n

o place on the road to revenge. It made me hesitate. It made me stay content with where I was and never take a chance.

I had killed my ability to truly fear ages ago. I wouldn’t allow it to resurrect itself when I have gotten so much closer to my revenge.

He hummed as he turned, barely disturbing my relaxed posture in the buttery leather seats of the passenger seat.

The curve only appeared sharper than the others. It was far gentler than I had expected. If I had to guess, this was a path he drove often. I didn’t see any houses or power lines, so I doubted that he lived in these mountains.

Where was he taking me?

Finally, he slowed the car to a stop and got out. He rounded the car and opened the door for me as I struggled to open the door on m y own. He helped me out gently as the wind blew past us, whipping my gown and hair into the air. In the distance, I could see the faint twinkling of the city’s lights in the pitch black of the night.

The stars flickered weakly in the sky and there was no moon in the sky, yet it was the most beautiful night I had seen in a very long time.

“Are you cold?” 

I almost rolled my eyes. What a ridiculous question, and his acting was making me sick. Did he think I would let me guard down because he was treating me like a lover? I learned quickly that no john gave a damn about my well-being. This man had just paid a nexorbitant amount of money for me. There was no way that he wouldn’t be acting accordingly. 

I swallowed my annoyance and irritation, allowing him to lead me by my hand.

“No,” I said politely. “Thank you.” 

It was a lie, of course. It was freezing and the gown, while dazzling, wasn’t meant for anything but looking pretty. Still, shivering a bit was better than allowing him to keep up his charade.

There was no house nearby, so he clearly brought us here for the game. Other cars pulled up and others got out nearby, greeting each other as Matt leaned towards me. The heat of his body was welcome in the cold night. 

What the hell was going on out here?

“A couple forms a team. The woman stays stationary and the man would get in the car and drive towards them.

The one with the shortest distance between the car and the woman was the winner.

It was a simple game I had heard of while researching his interests.

I looked down the mountain path, “Mr. Wallber, do you know how to use brakes?” 


He smiled, “of course.”

His smile did something to his face I wasn’t prepared for. There was a devilishly charming look in his eyes that made him more alluring and more dangerous. I smiled back at him hoping my skepticism wasn’t showing through.

Was he planning to kill me here and calling it an accident? What would Larry charge him that he couldn’t pay? I was just one prostitute. What difference did it make? The only way I could achieve my goals was by getting as far into Matt’s life as I could. If I died on this mountain, it wouldn’t matter. But if I lived. If I just held on the way I had all this time, I would be that much closer to my goals

Someone shouted, “Who‘s first?” 

I wasn’t sure if she was high or in love, but they sounded ridiculous. Whoever these couples were, they were insane to come up with such a game. They moved away from the spot and another couple got ready. As the competition continued, the air grew colder. My feet felt like ice and a glance at my phone said that it was just a few hours into the next day. The sun wouldn’t be rising for a while yet.

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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