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Avenger's coming back novel Chapter 136

Lily's face immediately turned red. She explained in a hurry, "Uncle, the newspapers are full of lies. It's not true."

"Dad, you are really thinking too much." Eric said, with a look of shyness on his face. "I promised Lily that I would not touch her now."

"Yes." Tina echoed. She looked at the Richard and said with a smile, "Eric has promised me that he will be with Lily after ten years. That's why I agreed with them first. In this regard, you have educated him very well and succeed."

Angela and Richard were deeply shocked. And then they looked at Eric with surprise. They didn't expect that their son had such a side. They suddenly realized that as parents, they didn't know their children at all.

At this time, the door of the private room was opened. The waiters came in one after another with dishes on their hands. The leading waiter said apologetically, "Sorry for keeping you waiting so long."

Then he waved to the waiters behind him. They put the dishes on the table one by one and left one by one.

After all the dishes were served, the last waiter poured red wine into the glasses in front of everyone and bowed, "Please enjoy."

Then she turned around and left.

"Come on, raise your glass and bless." "It's not easy for the two kids to be together. We have to celebrate it." Said Kerr, the first one to raise his glass.

Hearing his words, everyone raised their glasses with smile.

On the other hand, Lily was smiling and a little shy. She turned to look at Eric awkwardly, and he happened to turn to look at her. When their eyes met, both of them looked happy and satisfied.

"Well, let's not talk about blessing anymore. It's all in this wine. Cheers."


They proposed a toast and the sound was clear and pleasant.

"Lily." Putting down the glass, Angela smiled at Lily and said, "I can see that in many things, Eric listens to you. Sometimes, I hope you can talk to him nicely."

"Aunt," Lily blushed and looked at Angela. "In fact, Eric knows everything. He always teaches me. You don't have to worry about what he will do, or what he will do wrong."

Angela smiled with satisfaction. "I have heard that you were not a good girl. Now it seems that rumors are really harmful."

Lily just smiled and didn't reply. In many cases, many people were ruined by rumors.

"Mom." "Let bygones be bygones. When you get along with this girl for a long time, you will find that she is a good girl."

"Yes." Angela nodded with a smile, "I trust your."

While they were talking and laughing, the door suddenly opened. A woman in a dress and with exquisite makeup appeared at the door. She held her handbag and her mobile phone with another hand as she walked inside while talking on the phone.

"Well, I see. You must be obedient at home. Mommy is having dinner with friends outside. You cook at home..."

While talking on the phone, she didn't notice that she entered the wrong box.

On hearing this, people who were eating turned their heads and looked at her in bewilderment.

After saying a few more words, the woman hung up the phone. When she put her phone away and raised her head, she was stunned for a few seconds. Then she realized what had happened and apologized, "I'm sorry. I entered the wrong room and disturbed your dinner. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's not unusual to get in the wrong room." Kerr replied politely.

"The room I booked is in the next room. I didn't notice it on the phone. I'm really sorry." With an apologetic look on her face, the woman then made a bow to them to show her apology.

"It's okay." Tina didn't care about such trifles.

"Please enjoy yourself. I'm sorry that I have to leave now." With these words, the woman turned around and left.

However, as soon as she turned around, the apologetic expression on her face froze in an instant, and she looked a little cold.

"Ahem!" Suddenly, the man sitting at the dining table choked on the red wine. He coughed.

"Are you okay?" Hearing this, Angela turned her head and saw Richard's face and chest were all stained by alcohol. She immediately went riding a napkin to wipe it for him and said, "Why are you so careless? How could you choke on wine as an adult?"

"No, nothing. Ahem..." He took a tissue and wiped the corner of his mouth. His face turned red from the cough. "I didn't notice just now. I drank too fast."

"Nobody is taking the wine from you. Why are you in such a hurry?" Angela gave him a reproachful look. "Your clothes are stained. You'd better go to the bathroom to wash yourself."

"Yes." Richard nodded, stood up and said to Tina and Kerr, "Excuse me."


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