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Back and Better book novel Chapter 37

Chapter thirty-seven

I quickly relay Kroll’s words to my mates, receiving growls and snarls at the mention of Kroll wanting to keep me as collateral

Our trackers have a scent. They’ll close in on you soon. You’ll be back in our arms in no time, Christian soothingly says. Hearing his wolf helps calm me, hearing that I’ll be out of here soon is even better.

“Do you actually believe that plan will work?” I ask, tilting my head like I’m speaking to a child. “Keeping an Alpha female away from her mates is an impossible job. Surely you know that. Surely you know you’re not going to make it out of this situation alive.”

A flicker of apprehension makes its way into Kroll’s eyes, likely because he’s realizing just how much he f****d up. And he monumentally f****d up. When any wolf’s mate is in danger, there’s a compulsion that bubbles up inside of them to get to their mate.

Said compulsion has no boundaries, no barriers. The wolf will do any and everything necessary to get to their other half-even if that means burning down entire countries.

Alpha wolves are ten times worse-their protective instincts are natural stronger, because they’re born to lead packs and keep their members safe. I’ve heard of Alpha’s going rogue while searching for their mate.

“It doesn’t take a genius to know kidnapping an Alpha’s mate is a death sentence. Now kidnapping someone who belongs to three Alpha’s?” I tsk. “That’s a stupid move if I’ve ever seen one.”

Kroll scowls at me, straightening his spine and trying to make himself seem intimidating, which fails in a truly spectacular fashion.

“You’re pretty confident for someone chained to a wall,” he sneers. I smile. “And you’re starting to shake with fear.” Which satisfies me far more than it should.

When my mates get here, and I have complete confidence they will, I’m willing to bet I’ll get my pound of flesh for the S**t I’m having to deal with. And I honestly can’t wait to f**k Kroll up beyond compare.

— An explosion suddenly goes off in the distance, the shockwave making my cell shake for a second. The chains wrapped around my wrists clack together loudly. A surge of adrenaline goes through me, because following the shockwave, Kroll’s face pales.

We’re in, Christian’s voice echoes in my head. Do you know where you are? In a cell somewhere, I respond. Kroll’s still with me. We’ll find you in the next few minutes, Erebus assures me. If there’s a f*****g scratch on you, I’m destroying this entire pack, Damon practically spits out.

Kroll whips his phone out of his pocket, casting me a brief glare before putting it to his ear. “What the f**k just happened?” he demands.

The voice on the other end of the line is quiet, but shifter hearing helps me hear just fine.

“They’ve invaded, Alpha. They blew up the front door, and now dozens of wolves-most in wolf form-are pouring in.”

Kroll swears at the update, clutching his phone so hard it cracks. He pockets it, and then closes the space between us with two strides. He fishes a key out of his pocket and unlocks my manacles, hauling me to my feet.

Thiss out a breath at the intense pins-and-needles sensations shooting through my arms, clenching and unclenching my fists in an attempt to help blood circulation get back to normal. I don’t have much time to focus on myself, however, because Kroll pulls a gun out of his waistband, points it at my torso, and then starts herding me out of

the room.

I can’t help myself. I chuckle. Because when my mates see me, a gun pointed at my heart, they’ll go certifiably insane-and will rein hellfire on Kroll and any other motherfucker stupid enough to have aided him in his little mission for power.

He roughly leads me out of the cell and walks me down a cement-paved hallway. There are several other cell doors on either side of the hall, some of them open, the others locked. Shouts of pain sound from down the hall, followed by a lot of gunfire.

Chapter 37 1

Chapter 37 2

Chapter 37 3


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