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Back in Love novel Chapter 368

Holding the ear studs tightly, Jacob looked at them uneasily with his bloodshot eyes.

"This is hers! I put them on her ears! They are here! " It meant that she had really appeared here.

He seemed to see the hope but then lose the direction.

Barry walked up and said in surprise, "Since she was here, it will be easy to find her! She won't be far away. Let's go around and find her! "

"Barry, hurry up and find her. She must be nearby!" With a joyful look on his face, Jacob shouted excitedly. There was nothing happier than this!

He felt that she was waiting for him not far away.

Jacob stood up and looked around with a firm expression. A sense of solemnity enveloped him.

"Lola, I will find you!"

The determination with domineering made him look full of power!

The search was still going on. Even if the group was led by Barry, Jacob did not relax, but became more nervous and expectant.

But after the sun set, there was still no trace of Lola.

Feeling that everything was so strange, Barry couldn't help frowning and walked to the side of Jacob. "If she doesn't eat or drink for two days, she can't go too far. We have searched wherever we can go, but there is still no one here. Where can she go? Has she been saved? "

Jacob's body stiffened. His body suffered cold in the wind, but he couldn't feel it.

"How could this be?"

"Yes, how could she disappear without a reason?" Barry had already asked all the people to have dinner, and they would continue to look for her after dinner, but they could not find her after almost searching the whole mountain, so it was useless to go on looking for her.

Even if Barry knew it, he would not ask people to leave. They still had to continue to look for her.

Jacob shook his head and stood in the wind with a pale face. "There must be something we have missed... Barry, as long as we haven't found her, there is still a hope, right? What do you think? "

Feeling sad for him, Barry couldn't say anything.

"Say something, Barry! Isn't it? If we can't find her, it means that she is still safe and will be fine! Maybe she has been saved and returned! " Jacob's eyes lit up. He immediately turned around and grabbed Barry. "The signal here is bad. You'd better contact Anna as soon as possible to see if Lola is back."

Barry frowned and shook his head.

"What are you doing? Why don't you do as I said? Go ahead! " Jacob was so angry that he pushed Barry hard.

"I just got in touch with Anna half an hour ago..."

With his eyes wide open and his face stiff, Jacob asked, "What did she say? Has Lola returned safely? "

"No. And Mrs. Gu seems to have found something wrong. She is looking for us everywhere. Anna has to say that you and Lola are on a business trip and didn't inform her in time..."

Barry looked very upset, "If we can't find Lola, we can't hide it anymore."

"I don't believe she will leave me like this, not because I don't want to believe it, but because I can feel that she is still alive. She won't let go of me so easily! I can still feel her breath, her heart beating, and I can feel that she hasn't left me... "

"Mr. Jacob..." Barry's voice was choked with sobs and he couldn't control himself. He didn't even understand why the God had to torture this pair of lovers so cruelly.

They were a perfect match, but they had to suffer so many hardships and setbacks. God seemed to like joking and giving them trouble!

Even he couldn't accept it.

"Really. She will be fine. I still believe that she is waiting for me. " Clenching his fists, Jacob continued, "Keep searching. Even if you stay up late, you have to find her. If this group of people are too tired, let them go down the mountain and change another group of people to come up, I don't believe that even if I pay much money, they don't want to work for me! Increase the reward by two times. You can't stop anyway! "

"Okay..." Looking at Jacob, Barry wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought.

"What are you waiting for?"


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