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Back in Love novel Chapter 406

Lola lost all her consciousness and fell directly into Jacob's arms.

"Lola!" Jacob shouted, lifted Lola up and snapped at Kate, "Don't get close to her again! The baby is mine, not Murphy's! I hope you can find out the truth!"

"It's not up to you, Jacob! They must have an affair!"

Jacob took a quick glance at Kate and didn't talk to her anymore. He looked at Anna at the door and said, "You stay at the scene to deal with Mr. and Mrs. Zheng! Paul! Go with me!"


Then Jacob rushed out.

On the way, Jacob held Lola's hand tightly. The cold touch made him feel uneasy.

He didn't know what was wrong. He remembered that he was with Lola that night. He wondered why Lola said that there was an accident with Murphy.

Jacob knew that there must be some misunderstanding.

Perhaps it was because of the lie made by Murphy that Lola thought it was him. That was why Lola was so strange these days...

Thinking of Lola's weird behaviors after pregnancy, Jacob was sure of his guess.

'Damn it! How could Murphy deceive Lola with this?!' Jacob thought in his mind.

"Paul, hurry up!"

Jacob knew that it must be because of the baby, so Lola fainted all of a sudden.

'Lola, don't let anything happen to you and our baby!'

'I won't let anything happen to you!'

"Don't care about the red light. Just run! I need to go to the hospital right now! Do you hear me?" Jacob shouted Paul with an anxious tone.

Paul nodded hard and looked back worriedly. Lola's eyes were closed and her face was pale. It was no wonder that Jacob was so nervous.

Jacob stroked Lola's hair and said in a trembling voice, "Lola, the baby is mine. You didn't do anything wrong to anyone! You didn't! Murphy lied to you! You have to give birth to our baby!"

After Lola was sent to the emergency room, Jacob paced back and forth in the corridor, feeling uneasy.

At this time, Fiona, Barry and Ryan also rushed over and asked about Lola.

Others didn't know that Lola was pregnant, so they were more worried.

"What happened?" Ryan asked nervously.

Fiona was jealous and curled her lips discontentedly. She pulled Ryan's arm and said, "Don't be in such a hurry. Everything will be fine."

Ryan coughed and took a step back awkwardly.

Barry walked over Paul and asked, "What's going on? Boss doesn't look well! Did Lola faint because she was tired?"

"You don't know?" Frowning in confusion, Paul said in a low voice, "You'd better ask Mr. Jacob later!"

Hearing this, Barry became more worried and said, 'I am more worried! Tell me what happened! How could Lola faint?! How did you protect her?"

"Well... It's really not my fault..."

At this moment, Jacob said firmly, "Enough! Stop guessing! Lola is fine!

She is just pregnant."


"She is pregnant!"


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