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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 

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Carlisle gave Shein a deep look. Seeing how Shein got along so well with Yuriel made it clear that the Thompson family’s wealth was even more staggering than Carlisle had imagined

Influential figures like them knew how to keep their emotions in check

It seemed like Shein’s words were just to appease Wanda for now, but Carlisle suspected he wouldn’t let the matter rest

Dad, you’re truly the best!Wanda’s eyes brimmed with tears as she walked over and hugged Shein’s arm

Alright, wipe those tears away. You’ve got school tomorrow. You and Carlisle should head back,Shein said with a gentle smile as he tousled Wanda’s hair

Okay.Wanda wiped away her tears and gave Carlisle a reassuring wink

Carlisle’s right cheek was swollen from Zachary’s punch. He couldn’t help but laugh inwardly at Wanda’s innocent belief that her father would let her be with him so easily

Zac, get a car ready to take them back to Riverland,Shein calmly instructed, then turned and walked back into Retrovintique

Zachary gestured to one of the guards. Drive them back to Riverland. And take it easy on the way.” 

Wanda approached Carlisle and told Zachary, Zac, we’ve rented a car in Riverland. We can manage on 

our own.” 

Suit yourself.Zachary expressed his disappointment and dissatisfaction toward Wanda with an 

indifferent tone

With that, he walked into Retrovintique with a cigarette in hand

Wanda felt uneasy as she watched Zachary leave

She knew he 

was disappointed in her, but she genuinely liked Carlisle

She couldn’t pinpoint when her feelings for him began

Perhaps it was during the autumn of her sophomore year, in a physical education class

A stray basketball had flown toward her, and Carlisle had caught it effortlessly

With his jacket casually draped over one shoulder and his other hand skillfully spinning the ball, he had left a lasting impression on her

Or perhaps it was the snowy day last semester when some boys had ruined the snowman she had built

Carlisle and Sean pinned them down in the snow and forced them to rebuild the snowman

In the last semester, she had paid more attention to Carlisle

He would use leftover food to feed stray cats, stand up against bullies in class, and even risk his life to 

Chapter 105 

fight off thugs to save Christine

To Wanda, he was kindhearted and loyal

The cab driver stayed quiet as they made their way back to Riverland. Having seen the scene outside. Retrovintique, he didn’t want to provoke Carlisle and Wanda

The identities of these two were far from simple

Wanda held Carlisle’s hand and said apologetically, Carlisle, I’m sorry. If I had known, I wouldn’t have hidden. If I had been with you, Zac wouldn’t have hit you.” 


Carlisle gently squeezed Wanda’s soft and tender hand. With a gentle smile, he said, Silly girl, it’s not your fault. It’s just that I’m not strong enough right now” 

After a brief pause, Carlisle added, But rest assured, one day, I’ll make your father and brother see me in 

a new light.” 

Wanda pursed her lips. She trusted him

She couldn’t tell Carlisle that her father had the power to compete with Yuriel for the title of Riverland’s richest. The wealth her father had now was all built by five generations of the Thompson family

The driver glanced at Carlisle through the rearview mirror

He already had a good guess that this was just another soap opera, where the poor guy fell for the rich 


Back at Retrovintique, Yuriel quickly left after buying the Thousand Stallionspainting. Meanwhile, Shein and Zachary headed back to their home in Riverland

In the car, Zachary casually asked, What are we going to do about Carlisle?” 

The Thompson family valued social status. It took five generations of prestigious marriages to build the current business empire. Hence, Zachary didn’t believe that Shein would let Wanda be with Carlisle

Chapter 106 

Shein calmly responded, Do you need to ask me about something so trivial?” 

Zachary sniffed and asked, Should we kick him out of Riverland University?” 

Shein chuckled softly. If you dare to kick him out, Wanda will drop out immediately.” 

After a moment of consideration, Zachary proposed, What about putting pressure on his parents?” 

Shein leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes to rest. That’s up to you. Just make sure Wanda doesn’t find out it was you!” 

At 4:00 pm, the cab pulled up at the entrance of Riverland University

The driver handed Carlisle a business card with a friendly smile. Hey, lad, I usually hang around near Riverland University. If you ever need a ride, just give me a call and book in advance!” 

The driver was named Francis Gable. He seemed to be around 30 years old and drove smoothly. During their chat, he mentioned he was a retired soldier who had operated tanks in the military

Sure thing. I’ll keep that in mind!Carlisle said, taking the card with a smile. Despite the driver’s earlier brusque manner, Carlisle found him friendly enough to consider hiring him as his personal driver in the future

Alright, see you later!Francis noticed some students signaling for a cab and drove toward them

Meanwhile, Carlisle spotted Mike chatting with a group of older students as they approached

Wanda, I’m heading back to the studio for a shower. Aren’t you meeting Lily Green for dinner? We can meet up later and head to Southdale together! Carlisle said before walking off

Watching Carlisle walk away, Wanda felt puzzled. She wondered why Carlisle was in such a hurry to leave

Annoyed, she headed toward the campus

Mike, this freshman is pretty cute with her glasses. She looks quiet and demure,Kelvin Knox, one of Mike’s lackeys, commented with a grin

Kelvin was aware of Zachary’s influential connections. After the humiliation he had endured, he was resolute about seeking revenge. Acknowledging his own powerlessness against Zachary, Kelvin believed that Mike might be a suitable candidate to confront him

“What the hell, do you think I’m the type to go crazy over any girl?Mike kicked Kelvin to the ground in frustration

Kelvin landed right at Wanda’s feet

Wanda feigned surprise and asked, Kelvin, are you enjoying the cool ground?” 


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