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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

Carlisle did a simple sweep throughout the house and began his revision

Gordon brought Gérard and his family home at around 7:00pm

Carl, your uncle is here. Come out and pour some glasses of water for them!Gordon said with a smile. as he turned toward Carlisle’s room

6 8 8 9 9 F2 

Gerard, Maria,Hilda greeted them as she poked her head out of the kitchen

They nodded impassively, whereas their two teenage children didn’t even spare Hilda a glance

Gerard was wearing a white Tshirt. He held a Samsung flip phone in his right hand and wore a Vacheron Constantin’s watch of the latest model on his left hand

Gordon, you could afford a Santana worth 200 thousand dollars, but you couldn’t afford a better house?” 

Maria Davidson, Gerard’s wife, asked

There was a thick layer of foundation coating her 38yearold face. She was a sharptongued woman who only cared about her interests

We bought this house so that it’ll be easier for Carl to go to school. I intend to sell this house once Carl 

heads off to university!Gordon explained

Wait a minute. Why hasn’t Carlisle come out yet?” 

Maria waved her hands for some wind as she looked around the house. Then, she said in disgust, Why didn’t you install an aircon? Aren’t you all being overly frugal?” 

Gordon quickly brought out the standing fan from his bedroom. Meanwhile, Carlisle slowly made his way out of his room to pour them four glasses of water

Carl, do you not recognize me?Gerard asked with a frown

I do!” 

Oh. Then, who am I? Gerard asked impassively

You’re Uncle Gerard!” 

Then why didn’t you greet me and your aunt?Gerard asked with a tinge of anger

Maria also said mockingly, Where did all those years of education go?” 

Suddenly, Hilda slammed her knife on the cutting board, causing the sound to echo throughout the house

Gerard also glared at his wife

But Maria didn’t seem to realize her mistake as she turned to look at Gordon, who was taking out the 

extensions from his room

Maria said, A father’s responsibility is to educate their children. But it seems like you didn’t educate your 

son properly.” 

Gordon chuckled dryly. Tll discipline him later!” 

Did yo Did you 

you educate your children properly? Did Kelly and Xander greet my parents?Carlisle asked calmly as 

he brought the glasses of water over

You brat, are you trying to talk back to me?Maria said furiously

I don’t dare to do such a thing. I’m just stating a fact. Aren’t your children receiving special education the city? Why are they so rude then?Carlisle did not hold back

his past life, Gerard and his family had not held back in humiliating him and his parents for not getting admitted into college

His father had knelt and begged his uncle to lend them money when he fell sick in his past life. Not only did Gerard not lend them the money, but he had also beaten his father up

Gerard also insulted them by claiming that Carlisle had lived long enough and deserved to die

Such familial bonds were as good as none

Are you joking with me? Do you believe you deserve to be compared to my children? My daughter is at the top of her class. It’s only a matter of time before she’s admitted to Riverland University

What about you? From what I’ve heard from your father, your results are trash. It might be hard for you to enter a Tier 3 university. People like you are what holds us as a society back!” 

Maria was so angry that her voice trembled slightly as she spoke

Gordon’s eyes flashed with anger as he listened to Maria’s belittling words

At that moment, Hilda came out of the kitchen. Her voice was cold as she said, Maria, you’re a guest in our house, so we’ll welcome you wholeheartedly. But if you come here to fight, we’ll have no choice but to kick you out!” 

Hilda could accept Gerard and Maria belittling them. The differences between families were evident after 


But she could not accept them mocking her son

Maria watched as Hilda played with the knife in her hands and gulped subconsciously

Gerard waved his hands dismissively and said, That’s enough. Everyone should just keep their words to themselves. Don’t affect the children here!” 

Don’t blame me for crossing the line if you continue to belittle my son,Hilda said as she returned to the 


Maria was so angry that her breath became labored

Gerard patted her arm and lowered his voice. It’s not like you don’t know that they’re uncultured. What’s the point in arguing with them?” 

Maria felt comforted as she sat on the sofa and enjoyed the wind from the fan

Carlisle was in his room when he heard his mother’s warm words

He smiled in amusement. He had not said anything in his past life, so Maria had never crossed the line

He didn’t expect Maria to be so cruel with his words after he stood up for himself. He also did not expect 

his mom to protect him so fiercely

The two families sat together for dinner at around 8:00pm

Maria was much quieter than before

The atmosphere was also tense

Kelly, have you also submitted your applications for Riverland University?Gordon asked his niece with


Kelly Zahn seemed confused. What do you mean by also? Are you telling me Carlisle has also applied 

for Riverland University?” 

Gordon nodded. That’s right. It was the only school he had applied to!” 

Kelly immediately burst into laughter

Gordon’s face flushed red as he asked, What’s wrong? Do you also look down on your cousin?” 


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