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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 

A brandnew Mazda6 attracted attention as it cruised down one of Riverwatch District’s streets. Francis had just collected the car that morning. It had cost 40 thousand dollars

Riverwatch District was filled with old houses and apartments that had been built in the 70s. Even the streetlights were lightbulbs in wooden holders

As Francis drove, he occasionally sneaked glances at Carlisle, whose eyes were shut as he sat in the back seat, in the rearview mirror. Carlisle hadn’t said a word since getting into the car, He hadn’t even 

reacted when Francis told him how much the car cost

Francis couldn’t help feeling on edge as he drove. He sensed a sort of dominance in Carlisleit reminded him of how he’d felt when facing his platoon leader in the army. It was weird because he hadn’t felt this way before today

The car stopped at a fork in the road. Francis cleared his throat and asked, Boss, could you ask them for 

their address?” 

Carlisle had just pulled out his phone when it rang. It was a call from the number Sunny had used to reach him. Carlisle answered it and put it on speaker. I was just about to call you. I’m already at Riverwatch District. Where’s your building, and what’s it called?” 

Where are your parents, kiddo?Bill thought the client’s child had answered the phone because of how young it sounded. He tried to keep his tone jovial

I’m the one buying the property.” 


Why? Is there a problem with that?Carlisle’s tone turned a little grim

No, of course not! Our company’s called Premier Properties, and we’re at No. 178, Riverwatch 3rd Avenue,Bill hurriedly said

Bill thought it didn’t matter if the client was young. Perhaps he was some funloving rich kid

Carlisle told Francis the address after hanging up. Then, he shut his eyes again. Ten minutes later, they pulled up outside Premier Properties

Bill was smoking a cigarette at the entrance. When he saw the brandnew car with a temporary license plate, he threw the cigarette aside and strode forward

Francis asked curiously, You’re not buying property here, are you, boss?” 

He drove cabs quite often, so he was familiar with the area, Since the main factories and plants had moved out of Riverwatch District, many people had left with them. Even the nearby karaoke places and bars were close to bankruptcy

Only a fool would purchase property there

Can’t I?Carlisle got out of the car

Bill came over to him with a wide smile. He held out a greasy hand and said. “You must be Mr. Cig. I’m the manager of this company, Bill Dawson!” 

Carlisle shook his hand politely. My surname’s actually Zahn.” 

Ah, Mr. Zahn. It’s a pleasure to meet you!Bill glanced at Francis, who’d just gotten out of the car. And 

this is” 

My driver.Carlisle smiled

Bill thought Carlisle must be a rich kid, as he even had a driver. He was excited to learn of this. Should I show you the properties now?” 


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