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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 

Wait, really?Carlisle’s eyes lit up. If the plant were to close down, there’d be tons of top talents he could 

recruit from there

Yeah, I just saw it on the forum! The post is still fresh. The plant’s employees are now protesting outside the plant. We can go check things out and see whether we can hire some technical people from there.” 

Hank had already guessed that Carlisle likely wanted to get into the world of cell phones and the internet. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have asked Hank to search for people in this field of work

That was

why he’d hurried back to the studio without even finishing his lunch when he saw the news

Let’s head over there right now! Sunny, you stay here and do what you’re supposed to do.Carlisle left Sunny at the studio

He and Hank immediately hailed a cab to Rainville. It was under Riverland’s jurisdiction and was in the 


About half an hour after they’d left the studio, Carlisle received a call from Heath. Carl, it’s Sunny. Have you heard of Riverwatch Hotel?” 

Sunny’s voice rang out on the other end of the line

Riverwatch Hotel? Wasn’t that Prince Hotel’s predecessor

After Riverwatch District had been developed, Riverwatch Hotel was rebuilt and turned into Prince Hotel. Carlisle had no idea how it ended up in Heath’s hands, though

Yeah, I’ve heard of it. What’s wrong with it?” 

Three people died there last night. According to the police, someone powerful was behind it. They’ve put out wanted notices for the guy. If he’s caught, he’ll definitely be sentenced to death,Sunny said in a low 


Are you saying that we’ll have a chance to buy the hotel?” Carlisle’s eyes gleamed as his mouth went

Little dry from the excitement

I got the owner’s phone number from Bill earlier. He does intend to sell off the hotel, but the price” 

How much is it?” 

36 million dollars” 

Alright, got it.Carlisle hung up

36 million dollars wasn’t a sum he could afford for the time being. It would be hard to borrow that much 

money from someone, too

After some thought, he called Lethan 

Well, I’ll be. Why are you calling, Carlisle? Lethan asked

Chapter 133 

I want to do business with you.” 

Oh?Lethan chuckled. Let’s hear it.” 

Before that, I want you to promise you’ll split the profits in half with me,Carlisle said seriously

Sure.Lethan didn’t hesitate

Carlisle had helped him avoid a threebillion dollar lossit was no different to saving his life. But Carlisle hadn’t asked for anything in return and even wanted to do business with Lethan

Lethan was also positive he would make money! If they did, Lethan was willing to give all the profits to him, let alone split it in half


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