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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 137

hapter 137 


Chapter 137 

Who is the business department’s second in command?Carlisle continued to ask

There’s only one person in charge of the business department.” 

Victor, who had mocked Carlisle earlier, responded

Carlisle didn’t even look at Victor as he inquired, Is there a supervisor?” 

Logan’s lips curled as she pointed to the middleaged man smoking at the factory’s entrance and said

He is the supervisor, Kenny Chester.” 

Each department’s senior members shot Victor a meaningful look. Their message was clearit was time 

to revamp the business department

Victor was aware of Carlisle’s intentions, too. He smiled disdainfully at Carlisle

He had all the important clients in his hands. Could Carlisle afford to fire him

Even if he did get fired, he could leverage his clients for a better opportunity

Hank brought Kenny over. He looked at the group of senior members in confusion and asked, Who wants 

to speak to me?” 

Logan introduced, Mr. Chester, this is our new boss, Mr. Zahn.” 

New boss? Are we going to get our salaries?Kenny asked In surprise

Logan nodded and smiled. If Kane had said so, then it had to be true. No matter what the others thought

she trusted Carlisle with all her heart

Mr. Zahn, nice to meet you. I’m the business department’s supervisor and am in charge of the hardware 

supply chain.” 

Kenny extended his hand nervously. He knew his higherup very well. Victor looked down on everyone and 

treated them with disrespect

Carlisle probably wouldn’t get along with Victor. There could be an opportunity to get a promotion for 


Carlisle shook hands with Kenny and said, Mr. Chester, you might have a tough time ahead.” 

As long as I can revive the company, I’m not afraid of any hardship!Kenny’s eyes lit up excitedly

Carlisle nodded and smiled. Let’s start by bringing me around the company.” 

The employees gradually dispersed under the persuasion of the labor department and the other department heads

At the same time, Lethan arrived. He parked his car by the roadside and exchanged a few words with Kane before walking toward Carlisle with a grim expression

Chapter 107 


Lethan, you don’t seem to be in a good mood,Carlisle greeted him playfully

Lethan stared at Carlisle and asked, Are you really going to take over this mobile phone factory?” 

Having agreed to spend 36 million dollars to buy Riverwatch Hotel, Lethan was already regretting it

But at least the hotel had some potential for appreciation. As Shania had said, Riverwatch District would eventually be developed. It was just a matter of time

Anyway, he had a bit of money to spare, so he might as well treat it as if it were deposited in the bank

By the time Riverwatch District was developed, he would definitely not lose money. He could even make a profit out of it

Lethan wondered what Carlisle was thinking by trying to buy this mobile phone factory. Did he not know how difficult the industry was


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