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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142 

The socalled rest area was the grassy area next to the field

Lawrence led the students there, and they sat down on the ground. They began to introduce themselves

one by one 

During high school, Carlisle enjoyed sports a lot. He often went for morning jogs. His physical condition 

back then was quite optimal

However, when he reached the tenth lap currently, he started to lose his breath. He stopped and panted 

heavily with his hands on his knees

Lawrence was the devil instructor, after all. Carlisle wondered if his legs would be fine after nine miles

Why’d you stop? Every time you stop, I’ll add an extra lap!Lawrence shouted loudly at Carlisle

Carlisle took a few quick breaths and resumed running

By the time the students finished their selfintroductions, Carlisle had already completed 20 laps

He stopped again. He was gasping for air so badly that he felt like his heart would stop beating

Keep running! There are 16 laps left!Lawrence shouted sternly at him

With a dry throat and a hoarse voice, Carlisle requested loudly, Permission to drink water, sir!” 

Lawrence replied loudly, This is punishment, not training. No water for you until you complete running!” 

At that moment, he seemed like the strictest instructor of all time

All the students could feel their necks tightened. They made up their mind not to be late during military 

training no matter what the circumstances were

Christine, who was sitting next to Wanda, stood up and spoke, Permission to go to the restroom, sir!” 

Lawrence nodded. Permission granted!” 

Christine walked toward the restroom. When she was halfway there, she suddenly turned and walked 

toward the convenience store

The sun was glaring at that time. Carlisle had already completed 28 laps. His uniform was entirely soaked 

with sweat

He felt dizzy. His vision became blurred, his ears were ringing, and his chest was tightsigns of severe dehydration

Carlisle stopped and sat down weakly on the ground

Seeing that Carlisle had reached his limit, Lawrence didn’t push him anymore

Meanwhile, Christine approached him with a bottle of water. Here, drink some water.” 

Carlisle looked at Christine and then at the bottle in her hand. He hesitated

Wanda asked me to buy it for you. She even paid me for the delivery fee.” 

Christine placed the bottle of water on the ground before leaving

She guessed that there was some issue between Wanda and Carlisle. It wasn’t about their relationship but something else

Wanda seemed to be avoiding him, which was why she had asked Christine to buy water for Carlisle

After Wanda was transferred to Class 2 yesterday, Christine began to doubt whether her chance had


However, Carlisle hesitated to accept the water she offered just now, which showed that he was worried about Wanda getting jealous

Though they were not in the same class, their feelings for each other remained. Christine had decided to give up on him


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