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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 

Chapter 146 


Francis lit a cigarette and puffed at it. Be cautious in everything you do. No one is absolutely trustworthy. In my town, an old man even sold his granddaughter for money!” 

Sunny fell silent. Franciswords made sense to him. Money could cloud a person’s judgment

Carlisle put down his cup and casually remarked, I’ll stick to my decision. I believe in Heath!” 

The phone company’s establishment happened earlier than he had originally planned. Since he had ventured into the industry, he wanted to focus more on it

As for the game studio, he intended to hand over full control to Heath

Sunny’s PHS phone suddenly rang. He quickly answered it. Hi, Sunny speaking!” 

A deep voice came from the other end. Are you interested in houses in Riverwatch District?” 

Sunny’s eyes lit up. He replied eagerly, Yes, do you have any?” 

The voice on the phone continued, I have 18 units with me. Are you able to secure all of them?” 

Sunny widened his eyes. Of course, I’ll take as many as you have!” 

Alright, contact me tomorrow then,the voice on the other side replied

After ending the call, Sunny excitedly shared the news with Carlisle. We are securing 18 units of houses 


It’s best to finalize it tomorrow morning. I’ll transfer the money at noon!” 

Carlisle didn’t seem very happy about it. His plan was to invest all eight million dollars, but it was already. the second day today, and he still had over six million left

Heath’s meeting finally ended. Everyone returned to their working stations

Heath approached Carlisle and the others. He pulled out a chair, took out a pack of cigarettes, and 

handed them to the three

He lit his cigarette and said, The studio is expected to start turning a profit next week!” 

Carlisle smiled and said, You need to take care of things here from now on. I may not come here often in 

the future.” 

Of course. I’ll manage the studio well!” 

Heath had already learned from Hank that Carlisle had invested three million dollars in the mobile phone company. When he first heard of this news, he was shocked

He always thought the game studio was the peak of Carlisle’s career, but he didn’t expect this to be just the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey

Carlisle believed in him, so he handed over the studio to him

Chapter 146 


Heath decided to manage the studio well. He must not let Carlisle down

After the four chatted for some time, It was already 11:00 pm. The university would have been closed by then, so Carlisle had to spend the night in the studio

The next day, Francis woke him up at 6:00 am

Since he hadn’t stayed up late the previous night, he woke up, feeling energetic


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