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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 

Many female students also admired Lawrence; only Wanda was watching Carlisle’s figure with red eyes

Carlisle was helping her seek revenge

He would have indeed been beaten if it weren’t for Lawrence’s intervention

Lawrence looked down at Jaxon and said, Normally, I wouldn’t interfere with your fights. But if you hit my student outside of military training, you’ll have to deal with me!” 

Jaxon did a kick up from the ground and dusted himself off. He glared coldly at Carlisle and said, I’ll see you after school.” 

Carlisle chuckled dismissively. Sure, I’ll wait for you at the school gate.” 

Lawrence frowned and reprimanded, What are you saying? I’m still here!” 

The other students gradually left after giving Carlisle and his group a menacing look

Lawrence’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Carlisle. Do you live on campus or off campus?” 

On campus.” 

Don’t leave the school after classes today.” 

There were security patrols on campus, so even if there were fights among students, they could be quickly stopped. If it happened offcampus, the school’s security team wouldn’t bother

Carlisle remained silent, turning back to rejoin the queue. He had paid a thousand dollars in protection fees. Hopefully, Mike wouldn’t turn a blind eye to this

Sunny and Francis came to pick up Carlisle to sign the contract at noon

Last night, the plan was for 18 units only, but the owner added six more units during the contract signing

That meant there were 24 units total, amounting to a total payment of 1.9 million dollars

Carlisle also opened a checking account while at the bank. It was too troublesome to go to the bank

every time for a transfer, writing checks next time would be much more convenient

As they left the bank, Sunny suddenly ran over excitedly. Boss, there’s an abandoned ice skating rink and 

karaoke venue for resale on Rhonwen Road, both owned by the same owner!” 

Carlisle’s face lit up upon hearing this. How much can we get it for?” 

Sunny replied, 3.5 million!” 

Can we move in today?” 

Sunny shook his head. The abandoned ice skating rink is okay, but removing the karaoke equipment will take two to three days.” 

Carlisle took out his checkbook and wrote down four million. Give him four million. I want all the equipment, and the deal must be completed by today!” 

Sunny and Francis stiffened

Was Carlisle planning to start a karaoke business in Riverwatch District

Sunny regained his composure, trembling as he accepted the check. Boss, aren’t you going to sign the 


This was four million dollars! Sunny couldn’t earn this much money in several lifetimes. How much trust 

did Carlisle have in him

I need to go back to school. You can handle it!” 

Carlisle smiled faintly and walked toward the black car parked by the roadside. Francis, can you take me 

back to school?” 

Francis glanced at Sunny as if he wanted to remember his face


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