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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 

Francis didn’t expect Sunny to answer the phone

After a brief silence, he asked with a smile, Did you charge your phone?” 

Ium, I just plugged it in!Sunny replied absentmindedly

Where are you signing the contract? I’ll come pick you up.Francistone was calm

II’m at the Four Weathers Hotel.” 

Sunny could tell that Francis was eager to find him

Presumably, Francis couldn’t reach him earlier and thought Sunny might have run off with the money

After hanging up, Francis breathed a sigh of relief, lit a cigarette, and drove to the Four Weathers Hotel

After finishing a round of training, Carlisle went to the basketball court to find Mike

Mike was sweating profusely and taking a few sips of icecold cola

He glanced at Carlisle and said, Someone’s messing with you? What’s it got to do with me? Aren’t you close with Heath? Have him come and pick you up!” 

There were four school bullies in the school, and they usually didn’t interfere with each other

Mike knew the group Carlisle was talking about, and Austin had long bought them off

Austin was the son of Riverland’s richest man, Yuriel

Offending Austin would probably mean even lán couldn’t protect him

Carlisle sneered. I paid you a thousand bucks for protection. Aren’t you supposed to keep me safe? Are you afraid of them?” 

Mike was provoked, glaring at Carlisle. Do you really think I’m afraid of them? I’ll escort you out of the school later. Let’s see if they dare to lay a finger on you!” 

While he didn’t dare to offend Austin’s men, they also didn’t dare to offend Mike, either. After all, lan held power in this area

Carlisle smiled and said, Thanks, Mike. I’ll treat you guys to a meal another day!” 

Mike waved his hand impatiently. Get lost. Your thousand bucks is only enough for me to help you once!” 

Carlisle turned away, and his expression darkened instantly. After taking a deep breath, he headed toward the drill ground

After a few steps, his phone rang. He took out his phone and saw it was Francis calling

Francis, any news about Sunny?” 

Chapter 151 


Yeah, Sunny is currently signing the contract with them. That kid took out all four million in cash

Francis continued to analyze the sequence of events surrounding Sunny’s reappearance

I think he did consider running off with the money at first, but then he probably thought about the consequences, so he gave up the idea.” 

As long as he’s still around, it’s fine. Let’s not speculate about the reasons,Carlisle replied

Do we still need him after this?Francis asked, a cold gleam flashing in his eyes

If he were Carlisle, he definitely wouldn’t keep a potential threat around

Carlisle pondered momentarily, then sighed. Now is precisely when we need people. Let’s keep him for 



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