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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 

Francis said with a wry smile, Boss, I think we should take it slow

You’re already running a mobile phone company, managing a studio, and have bought some properties. The eight million should be nearly used up, right?” 

Carlisle looked at Heath and asked, Will ten million be enough?” 

Ten million might seem like an astronomical figure to ordinary people, but it was just a drop in the ocean in business

Heath needed to seize lan’s territory and business, which required purchasing his own hotel. Then, he would compete with lan’s business using some underhanded tactics

When the time was right, he would swallow lan’s business in one fell swoop

Heath chuckled and said, Can you really gather ten million?! 

Carlisle replied calmly, Just tell me if it’s enough.” 

Heath lit a cigarette and confidently declared, For anyone else, even if you gave them 50 million, it might not be enough. But for me, ten million is plenty.” 

He wasn’t bragging. After Horace’s downfall, some of his loyal subordinates chose to follow Heath. With enough funds, he could quickly gather them together

Carlisle smiled faintly and said, Alright, if you say so. Leave the studio to Owen and Cameron. You and Benjamin get ready. I’ll allocate ten million to you in under three days

Upon hearing this, Francisand Sunny’s jaws almost dropped to the floor

Sunny wasn’t exactly sure how much money Carlisle had, but Francis had some understanding of it.. 

Initially, Carlisle borrowed 100 thousand dollars from his girlfriend to buy a painting. Those paintings earned him 8.6 million dollars

Then, he expanded the studio and bought a car. Carlisle had already emptied his pockets with the properties in Riverwatch District

Where could he possibly find ten million dollars

Heath took a long drag of his cigarette, feeling the flames of vengeance in his heart gradually igniting

lan was the man who killed Horace. After several years, he finally had the opportunity for revenge

With a worried expression, Francis said, Didn’t they say lan had a rich kid backing him? Are you sure you can handle that rich kid?” 

Heath smirked coldly. He’s just a puppet propped up by others. Horace started from scratch, and all his men are ruthless. lan can’t compare!” 

Francis rubbed his nose. Try not to be too ruthless. It’s a lawful society now

Chapter 154 


Heath understood Francisimplication and smiled. Don’t worry about that. I know my limits. Even if something goes wrong, it won’t involve you guys.” 

Bro, that’s the way!Francis gave Heath a thumbs up

Carlisle took a sip and said with a serious tone, Let’s not get involved in businesses that harm society.” 

Heath nodded. I know which businesses to do and which not to do.” 

Carlisle smiled contentedly. It’s getting late. Let’s go out for dinner together.” 

In the Pearl Pulm District, a 2000squarefoot shop was undergoing overnight renovation

Christine sipped her tea, her eyes shining brightly. Is this going to be our workplace from now on?” 

Phoebe also had a cup of tea in her hand, biting on the straw excitedly. Do we need to hire some employees?” 

Wanda, eating a sundae, smiled widely. We don’t have much capital; we’ll have to hold off on hiring for 



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