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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 

Carlisle couldn’t be bothered to explain and walked toward the bank

Francis took out a large suitcase from the trunk

Sienna stopped Francis and asked, Mister, is that car Carlisle’s?‘ 

It’s my car,Francis replied

Sienna looked puzzled. Then what’s your relationship with Carlisle? I saw you opening the car door for him at the school gate.” 

What’s it to you?Francis could tell Carlisle didn’t want to engage with the girl much, so he didn’t feel inclined to, either

Sienna wrinkled her nose. It’s just a shitty Mazda. Have you seen those Mercedes and Porsches over there? They belong to my best friend’s boyfriend. Do you know who my best friend’s boyfriend is?” 

Damn, I thought they belong to your boyfriend. It turns out it’s your friend’s boyfriend!Francis sneered at her, then walked into the bank

Sienna stomped her feet in frustration when she heard his response

Carlisle arrived in the bank lobby, where the manager quickly approached him. Austin and Sarah followed behind

Carlisle?Sarah’s eyes widened in surprise

Could Mr. Zahn, who the bank manager mentioned, be Carlisle? It couldn’t be. How could Carlisle have five million

She had previously asked Sean how Carlisle had obtained the money to buy the phone. Carlisle said he had hit a stroke of luck in a game and earned 80 thousand bucks by selling impressive equipment

So, there was no way Carlisle could be the Mr. Zahn who had reserved five million in cash. Mr. Zahn must be someone else

Mr. Zahn, you’re here?The bank manager forced a smile

Sarah felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She stared at Carlisle in disbelief

He really was Mr. Zahn! Where did he get five million from

Um, is my money ready?Carlisle didn’t glance at Sarah but looked directly at the bank manager instead

The bank manager nodded. It’s ready, butHe looked cautiously at Austin. Mr. Gust urgently needs 800 thousand in cash. Can you lend that amount to him

Austin narrowed his eyes. So, this was Sarah’s previous pursuer. Didn’t Sarah say his family was poor? How could he have five million stored in the bank

Carlisle looked at Austin, then shook his head. I can’t let it go. I must take the five million with me

The bank manager looked awkwardly at Austin. Mr. Gust, what do you think?” 

Austin snorted coldly. That’s your problem. I’ll give you only ten minutes!” 

The bank manager felt helpless


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