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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 

Logan did not feel happy even after Carlisle expressed his satisfaction

Strictly speaking, Carlisle was the one who designed the phone. Whether it was the appearance or structure, he had drawn it all

They only used the computer program to recreate the drawing on the sketch paper

Carlisle picked up a pencil and wrote 120MPbeside the drawing of the camera. Then, he wrote 1400mAh nickelcadmium batterynext to the battery. Finally, he wrote 320×480on the phone screen

Then, Carlisle handed the drawing to the three suppliers

Take a look at my hardware requirements. Assess how much investment you need to upgrade your equipment and develop these new products.” 

The three suppliers were stunned after seeing the phone model on the drawing. If this was indeed a phone, they wondered where the buttons were and how one would use the phone without any buttons

They wondered if anyone would even buy such a phone

Carlisle took a sip of water

He smiled while explaining, I know you’re quite shocked and puzzled. But you don’t have to worry about all of that. All you need to do is provide me with the hardware!” 

Edward, Harry, and Simon gradually recovered from their shock and spent more than ten minutes studying the drawings

Then, they spent half an hour on the phone discussing with their respective companies

Edward was the first to confirm

His voice trembled as he said, Mr. Zahn, I need an investment of 50 million dollars!” 

The phone screen was an essential piece of hardware. The manufacturing process would be rather complicated, thus requiring higher funds. In fact, 50 million dollars was merely an initial assessment given by his company’s R&D engineers

Carlisle nodded. He sipped his tea as he waited for Simon’s reply

After some time, Simon responded, Mr. Zahn, I only need five million dollars worth of investment. But if you want to hold majority shares, you’ll need to invest ten million!” 

Carlisle hummed and nodded again while waiting for Harry’s response

Ten minutes later, Harry walked over before saying I need 15 million dollars!” 

Everyone in the office stared at Carlisle. They wondered if he could indeed come up with 75 million dollars

I’ll invest in all of your companies!” 

Carlisle’s words stunned everyone. They took a sharp Intake of breath. They wondered which wealthy family he came from

Only Hank was unable to calm down even after a long time. It had not been that long since they last met. Yet, Carlisle had almost a hundred million worth of assets already

At this moment, Carlisle said to Logan, Ms. Cooper, please draft an investment plan!” 

He then turned to the three suppliers and continued, Send your share transfer agreements to me by tomorrow!” 

After exchanging pleasantries, Edward, Harry, and Simon left the office, leaving only Logan and Hank

Hank hoarsely said, You should have acquired their companies.” 

Logan nodded in agreement

I concur. After our smartphone is released, there will be significant changes in the mobile phone industry

Smartphones will continue to emerge. In fact, those phone manufacturers will definitely approach our three suppliers to purchase their hardware!” 

Carlisle smiled faintly

I don’t have enough funds and energy to control that many companies. In fact, the batteries and cameras used for our firstgeneration phones are not very valuable

While the price of the phone screen may be slightly higher, we don’t have the right connections in the area. In fact, Edward has no intention of transferring over his company.” 

He gazed at the time after speaking. It was 1:00 pm. Carlisle stood up and stretched lazily

Come on. Let’s go for lunch!” 

The three of them went to a nearby restaurant and ordered some dishes. Hank ate as if he had not eaten for days


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