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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213 

After speaking, Daniel’s expression turned gloomy. From elementary school until middle school, he was always the most popular kid

But his family’s fortunes had declined by the time he was in high school. Daniel’s mother, Milly Ludwig, had once bought eight villas for him, which were all sold off by Ryan

Why don’t you invite your parents? It’ll be my treat!” 

Carlisle beamed as he sat in the chair

Forget it. I’m not that close with them!” 

Daniel opened a bottle of beer and passed it to Carlisle

Then, he opened another one for Shane, Shane accepted it with a word of thanks before gazing longingly at the dishes on the table

Daniel said, Shane, don’t stand at the ceremony. Eat as much as you want!” 

Then, I really will not hold back!” 

Shane grabbed his utensils and began eating to his heart’s content

Daniel poured a glass of beer and raised his glass, saying, Cheer 

Carlisle and Shane also filled their glasses. After clinking glasses, they finished them in one go

Daniel set his glass down and stared at Carlisle, questioning. How did you discover my identity?” 

Carlisle smiled and said, That’s not important. What is important is your family’s current situation. How is it?” 

We are 50 million in debt,Daniel answered with a bitter smile before taking a large gulp from the beer 


What the hell? 50 million?” 

Shane was stunned, thinking he had misheard. He wondered how wealthy Daniel’s family would be if they 

weren’t 50 million in debt

Carlisle evenly said, “I can help your family get back on your feet.” 

Daniel stared at Carlisle for at least ten seconds before bursting into laughter.. 

That’s not a funny joke!” 

At the peak of Ryan’s career, he had at most three million worth of wealth

To get the family back on their feet would require at least 50 million dollars. A 17 or 18yearold rich kid could not come up with that amount of money

Carlisle raised his head, his dark eyes fixed on Daniel

He said eamestly, Do I look like I’m joking?” 

Daniel was surprised again

Carl, are you also a secondgeneration rich kid?” 

Carlisle did look like a secondgeneration child from a wealthy family. Even more so than anyone else he 


Carlisle had always been very generous at the dormitory. He even remained calm and collected while facing Mike and his friends. He did not even bat an eye while paying the protection fees

In fact, he was always eating meals worth thousands of dollars. Daniel thought Carlisle had to be a rich kid. He even thought that perhaps Carlisle could help Daniel’s family through this crisis

Actually, I’ve always assumed Carl was that!Shane said with a grin while he ate an Arballan prawn

Then he continued, I never thought I would be friends with a rich kid in my lifetime.” 

Can you shut up? Doesn’t eating food keep you quiet? Next time, I won’t bring you along!” 

Daniel glared at Shane

Shane already knew that Daniel’s family was 50 million in debt. Yet, he still called Daniel a rich kid

Shane laughed sheepishly and continued eating his prawn. 

Carlisle suddenly said, Ask your dad if he’s willing to transfer the company.” 

He’s been wanting to do so for a long time. Yet, no one wants to take over. If no one buys it within the next few months, my dad must file for bankruptcy.” 

Daniel looked worried as he downed the rest of the beer


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