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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 217

Chapter 217 

Worried his dad might use the ashtray in anger toward Carlisle, Daniel swiftly moved it away from Ryan’s 


With the company relying on Carlisle’s help, Daniel made sure to prevent any potential conflict

Then, Ryan changed his tone, saying, My processor works with almost all phones out there. I’ve seen Riley Corporation’s products. Trust me, they’ll work great with my processor.” 

Despite his bold claim, he secretly doubted that Riley Corporation’s phones could even come close to matching his processor’s capabilities

Ryan thought that perhaps Daniel had a point. Carlisle didn’t seem to grasp much about phones, let alone 


At that moment, Carlisle took out his phone and called Hank

BossHank’s hoarse voice came through the phone

Carlisle casually asked, Could you send me our smart system concept book?” 

To your 


Messenger inbox?inquired Hank

After ending the call, Carlisle got up and turned to Ryan, asking, Do you mind if I use your computer?” 

Ryan stood up from his chair to accommodate him. Carlisle then opened the computer, logged into his MSN messenger account, and accessed his email. Ryan hovered behind Carlisle, peering over his 

shoulder at the computer screen

As Carlisle refreshed the inbox, Hank’s email appeared promptly. He clicked to open the attachment. Inside was a comprehensive manual detailing the functions of the Smartphone’s smart system. The document also included designs for the phone’s appearance and user interface

These designs were crafted based on Carlisle’s descriptions

However, the feasibility of bringing them to life depended on the manufacturing capabilities of the 

hardware. Hank’s cleverness was evident from his extractions of the core technology from Carlisle’s 


Carlisle stood up and said, Mr. Ryan, take a look at these blueprints. I’m curious if your processor can 

handle powering my phone.” 

With that said, he settled back in and took a sip from his cup

My processor can handle Nokia and Motorola, let alone your obscure phones,Ryan shot back

He grew increasingly irritated with the incessant provocation from someone barely older than his son

Daniel chimed in, urging. Come on, Dad, Give it a chance before you judge.” 

He wouldn’t have easily trusted Carlisle before. But ever since he saw Carlisle’s bank balance, he had not reason to doubt him now

Ryan narrowed his eyes at Carlisle, asking. Are you playing games with me, or are you genuinely interested in buying my company

If you’re just here to comfort me on behalf of my son, then consider your mission accomplished.” 

With a resigned sigh, Carlisle retrieved a checkbook from his pocket and wrote a 55 milliondollar check

It was worth noting that at that time, 55 million would be of equal value to five hundred million in the next ten years or so

Ryan and Daniel both widened their eyes simultaneously, their expressions nearly identical

Carlisle tore off the check and casually slid it across the table with a smile

You might be skeptical about the legitimacy of this check, but you’re welcome to verify its authenticity.” 

With decades of business experience under his belt, Ryan could easily distinguish between real and fake


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