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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 

Chapter 22 

Gordon had ordered a few dishes for them to eat. He had ordered a salad, a plate of lasagne, and some 

grilled chicken

Soon, Gordon left after they filled their stomachs

Carlisle realized his father was in somewhat of a daze. It seemed like his father was still worried about 

his results

Carlisle had another two papers in the afternoon

Like before, Carlisle had finished the papers within an hour and left the exam hall with his hands in his 


He did not have to worry about anyone mocking his father since his father had already left

The weather in the afternoon was great

There were a few reporters from the Riverland TV Station. A reporter immediately dragged the cameraman toward Carlisle when they saw him come out

Hello. Are you the student who keeps finishing their papers within an hour?” 

You’re right. That’s me!Carlisle said, feeling a little awkward

It was just an exam. Why were there reporters here

Too bad he had no interest in being an influencer. Otherwise, he could have become a great influencer 

with the exposure

Can I conduct an interview with you?” 


Did you focus on answering all the questions within the hour of your exam? Did you decide to give up and stop answering after spotting too many difficult questions?” 

I did answer all of them correctly. I handed my paper in early because those questions were relatively easy. So, I finished them quickly

I felt bored sitting in the exam hall, so I decided to leave and get some fresh air,Carlisle said confidently

Can I ask you an unrelated question? Did you hurt your face due to your arrogance? Did someone beat. you up as they couldn’t stand it anymore?the reporter asked with a smile as disdain flashed across their 


The reporter’s questions managed to cause all the surrounding parents to laugh. It was clear that the reporter was insulting Carlisle

The injuries on my face were due to a bike 

incident this morning!Carlisle answered calmly

Chapter 22 

Oh! That was careless of you. You should slow down and be careful the next time you ride your bike!” 

Thank you,Carlisle said impassively

Were the questions for today’s exam tough for you?” 

It was easy. Why would I be able to finish within an hour if it was hard?

le said with a smile


Since they believe he was faking it, he would persist till the end

The reporter continued to ask, Then, could you give me your number? I would like to continue our 

Interview once the results are out!” 

Of course. I can give you my father’s number!” 

It was still normal for kids his age to go without phones

The reporter quickly scribbled down Carlisle’s number into a notebook

The reporter wanted to continue their interview after the results were out to see how Carlisle would break down before the camera after receiving his results 

Carlisle had just finished his interview when Lucy rushed toward him with Christine in tow

There were a few men with document bags beside her. It looked like they were from the police station

Are you Carlisle Zahn?One of the men asked with a smile

That’s me.” 


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