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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 225

Chapter 225 

Sarah was wearing a light yellow sundress that day. The hem was relatively short, ending just above her knees

Her legs, fair and lovely, were really glistening under the lights

Just as Carlisle looked up, Sarah happened to glance his way, too. She gave him a slight smirk, then quickly looked away. It was as though she couldn’t stand to look at him for another second

Carlisle remarked nonchalantly, Yeah, that’s her” 

Lily, with a light scoff, muttered, Who’s she trying to impress dressed like that?” 

Silently, Carlisle made his way to the front desk to pay their bill

After the cashier calculated the total, she smiled and said, It’s 1,985 dollars. But since you’re a regular, let’s round it down to 1,900 dollars.” 

Carlisle pulled out some cash, counted out two thousand dollars, and placed it on the counter, saying, Keep the change as your tip.” 

The cashier’s eyes widened with excitement

Thank you so much, sir.” 

She was used to seeing tips go to the servers or those working the private rooms, but she almost never 

got any as a cashier

This was the first time she had ever received a tip. A hundred dollars was a significant portion of her part- 

time wages

Nearby, Sarah commented, Carlisle, just because you have some extra cash doesn’t mean you should. throw it around. At this rate, you’ll burn through it all in no time!” 

Carlisle smiled calmly

Don’t worry about it. The more I spend, the more I earn.” 

Sarah’s bill was just 1,300 dollars

She pulled out 1,500 dollars from her designer handbag and placed it on the counter, saying, Keep the extra two hundred dollars as a tip

The cashier was stunned

A1 Seafood Restaurant kept operating 24 hours a day

Most of the staff worked two shifts, but the cashiers rotated through three

Her parttime job only paid four hundred dollars a week

That day, these two customers alone had tipped her three hundred dollars

Were all the customers here this generous

No wonder the servers who worked the private rooms all had tens of thousands in savings,the cashler mused Inwardly

Once she overcame the shock, the cashier quickly thanked Sarah, Thanks a lot! You’re so sweet and generous” 

Sarah didn’t spare her a second glance before turning to Carlisle and saying, Carlisle, do you secretly think that in the past, I ignored you, and now I’m out of your league?” 

Carlisle, with his hands in his pockets, shrugged

If that’s what you think, sure.” 

Sienna and her friends burst into laughter

Sarah, you hit the nail on the head! He actually thinks that!” 

Seriously, dude. Sarah is about to start her own company. You should drop that silly ideal” 

I’ve seen confidence before, but this is on another level!” 

Sean finally lost his patience and stepped forward, asking, What’s going on here? Are you looking for trouble?” 

Sienna noticed how close Sean and Lily were and jeered at Lily, Lily, are you two together now?” 

Lily replied nonchalantly, Mind your own business. Who I’m with is none of your concern.” 


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