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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 

On the last day of exams, Carlisle continued to finish the exam within an hour

Many parents would turn to look at him with disdain every time he left the exam hall. No one believed 

that he would do well and get admitted into college

Of course, Carlisle did not put those parentsgaze to heart. He had alren jutten used to their stares in 

two days

However, Carlisle had not seen Wanda once. But he did see Sarah twice

Sarah had been acting very cold toward him. She didn’t even spare him a glance

Carlisle bought a can of Coke and a bag of chips as he sat on the seat by the park.. 

Sean had already exited the hall. Yet Wanda was nowhere in sight

The Rainville Beta High School had two entrances. There was a high chance that Wanda had left the 

school through the other exit

Carlisle sighed in exasperation. It seems like he would only be able to meet her at Riverland University

Hey, Sarah. Take a look. Carlisle is waiting for you!Sienna said as she left the school with Sarah

Sarah immediately used her hands to hide her face. She was furious when she said, Can you please don’t mention him to me? Do you not know how infamous he’s been for the past two days?” 

She didn’t want people to know that she knew Carlisle, nor did she want them to know that Carlisle was 

waiting for her. Otherwise, people might think that they were friends or something more

After all, he had finished all of his exams within an hour

Sarah had been in the same examination hall as Wanda. How could Carlisle finish his exams within an 

hour if even Wanda could not

He probably gave up after finding the questions too difficult

If nothing unexpected happens, she will lead a different life from Carlisle

Sienna stuck her tongue out and said, We’re all classmates here. Do you really not plan on seeing him

now that our exams are over?” 

Didn’t you notice I’ve ignored him for the past two days? He might think he has a chance if I continue to humor him!Sarah exclaimed with a smile

Sienna nodded with understanding

Carlisle couldn’t hear their conversation. But he could see the sympathetic look Sienna was giving him

To Carlisle, Sarah was probably being a narcissist, as usual. He shook his head

Soon, Sean left the school and headed straight to Carlisle. Carl, were you waiting for me?” 

Chapter 24 

What do you think?Carlisle was not going to admit that he was waiting for Wanda

He threw his empty chip bag into the trash and downed his Coke. Then, he smiled and said, Let’s go and play The Mystical Journey!” 

The Mystical Journey would gain high popularity in the next two years


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