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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 258

hapter 258 


Chapter 258 

Carlisle handed the megaphone back to Lawrence

He then charged into the smokefilled area with his fake gun in hand

The opposing staff members decided to target the student directing the battle first

Three of them aimed their rocket launchers into the smoke and fired paint pro 

Daniel frowned and shouted, Charge, everyone!” 

Group 3 immediately ran toward the rightside cover

Cover our teammates!Harvey commanded, and Group 1 opened fire on the opposition

Group 2 joined the attack, forcing the staff to take cover and abandon their rocket launcher assault

One of them pulled the pin on a paint grenade and hurled it forcefully

Harvey noticed this and quickly yelled, Scatter!” 

Group 2 and Group 3 members hurriedly moved to the sides

Carlisle successfully passed the first stage

His shoes were covered in paint, picked up while passing through the obstacles, but the area covered 

didn’t exceed 20%

After Carlisle regrouped with the members of Group 2, the three groups fully implemented their pre- discussed strategy and charged forward

With the left and right group providing cover, Carlisle’s group advanced seamlessly through the second 


The roles then reversed, with Carlisle’s group now providing cover for the other two as they pushed forward, effectively pinning down the opposing staff

The staff could easily overpower the students if they took the exercise seriously, but given this was just a simulation, there was no need to use highintensity professional tactics

In just nine minutes, Team 2 successfully cleared all five stages and completed the mission

Daniel was ecstatic as he waved his arms wildly. We get meat for lunch! Carlisle, you’re amazing!” 

Harvey was puzzled as he asked, You weren’t here for the training yesterday. How do you seem to know 

the course better than us?” 

Carlisle responded calmly, It’s everyone’s effort that made it happen.” 

It was clear he was only addressing Daniel

Harvey realized Carlisle wouldn’t engage with him, so he didn’t press further. After all, they had succeeded and earned meat stew for lunch

Next, it was time for Group 3

As they prepared, Team 3 huddled together to discuss their strategy, planning to use Tearn 2s approach

However, Lawrence interjected, The battlefield is constantly changing. If the enemy suffers from a successful attack, they will adjust their strategy. You must be adaptable

The students immediately fell deflated

Lawrence’s eyebrows furrowed. Throughout history, losing morale before a battle proved to be a grave mistake. Buck up, all of you!” 

Team 3 immediately stood taller, puffing out their chests

Lawrence pulled out a stopwatch and raised his megaphone. Team 3, move out!” 

Team 3 began their advance. They crawled on the ground, moving forward

The opposition threw just two smoke grenades

As the smoke spread, the students immediately grew tense

I can’t see anything. Are they firing paint rounds at us?” 


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