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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 315

Chapter 315 

Wwith Prince Heath!Kelvin stammered

Arthur rolled his eyes

That’s obvious. Everyone here has someone working for Prince Heath. I want to know which one of Prince Heath’s men your backer is working for.” 

Arthur tightened his grip on Kelvin’s shoulder. It made Kelvin yelp in pain and double over

Ouch, ouch! My guy isn’t any of his men. I think he reports directly to Prince Heath!” 

Kelvin was on the verge of tears. He had just escaped one dangerous situation only to fall into another

Arthur quickly let go and flashed an apologetic smile

Sorry about that, Kelvin. I didn’t mean to be so harsh. No hard feelings, okay?” 

Kelvin was bewildered by Arthur’s sudden change in demeanor but managed to shake his head

It’s fine, Arthur.” 

The classmate who had offered Arthur a cigarette earlier pulled out another pack and handed it to Kelvin

Kelvin, this is a small gesture. Please, take it.” 

He’s only a freshman. You want him to start smoking?Arthur snapped, glaring at the guy

He took the cigarettes from Kelvin and handed them back to the guy

That guy was his classmate, Jamie Pattinson, a junior in the ecommerce major and known for his sharp 


Jamie understood the reason behind Arthur’s change in attitude. Arthur had heard of WadeHeath’s right- 

hand man, who reported directly to him

This meant Kelvin could potentially become the secondincommand of this powerful group

Arthur threw an arm around Kelvin’s shoulder with a cheeky grin

Kelvin, I got a little carried away earlier. Don’t take it personally. I hope you can look out for me in the 


Kelvin also understood why Arthur’s attitude had changed

When he mentioned that his backer reported directly to Heath, it was insinuated that it was Wade. Arthur immediately backed down, showing that Wade’s influence was indeed powerful

He had the best shot at becoming a leader alongside Carlisle in this group

However, Kelvin had a history with Carlisle

If Wade learned about his issues with Carlisle, it was uncertain if he would continue to protect him or

Chapter 315 


even worse, decide to teach him a lesson

Faced with Arthur’s enthusiastic attitude, Kelvin didn’t dare act superior. He gave a nervous laugh

Arthur, you’re joking. You should be the one looking out for me.” 

No, no. I was simply bluffing earlier. My connection is my cousin. He’s just a grunt under one of Wade’s guys,Arthur admitted, swallowing his pride

Everyone around shot Arthur disdainful looks but kept quiet. After all, nobody dared to mess with 

someone as muscular as him

Kelvin had already suspected this, and with Arthur’s admission, he knew better than to show any disrespect

Forcing a smile, he said, Then let’s help each other out from now on.” 

Arthur laughed heartily

Exactly. We’ll have each other’s backs!” 

The group quickly bonded with smiles all around

With this crew, they wouldn’t have to worry about being bullied by the school thugs anymore

Only Kelvin looked worried

He figured Carlisle was probably on his way to the tea shop. He suspected that Carlisle would definitely 

not want him joining his group

After all, Carlisle had already made it clear he wouldn’t tolerate him

After thinking for a moment, Kelvin took out his phone and stepped aside to call Wade


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