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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 

Carlisle clenchedhis teeth and bought three phones straight

Observing Carlisle’s generosity with the money, Sean decided to indulge himself and bought one as well

During that time, SIM cards did not require any form of Identification. So, Carlisle bought three phone cards directly

As they exited, the store manager gifted them water bottles and umbrellas

Just as they stepped out of the phone shop, Carlisle suddenly felt a pang of regret

He remembered that the technology for mobile phones would advance rapidly in the coming years

He shouldn’t have bought such an expensive phone

Then, he quickly rationalized that the money he had was an unexpected fortune

In his previous life, he had been negligent, failing to adequately support his parents. He resolved to make amends in this lifetime

Carlisle rode his bike to the market and purchased a substantial amount of highquality produce

He didn’t return home until nine in the morning

Hilda sat on the couch, engrossed in her handiwork

Seeing Carlisle arrive with bags of groceries, she smiled and remarked, Oh, it seems like my son has really grown up. He even knows how to buy groceries now!” 

It was intended as a jest, but Carlisle chastised himself internally

Other teenagers his age were capable of doing household chores like laundry and cooking by the time they were juniors in high school

However, Carlisle had already graduated from high school. Yet this was the first time he bought groceries for the family

I’m eighteen now. I’m already an adult!” 

Carlisle placed the groceries on the table. Then, he picked up the white cell phone gift box and walked to the couch. Mom, I got you a gift!” 

eyes widened when she saw the exquisite Motorola cell phone image on the gift box, Is this

cell phone?” 

It wasn’t just any cell phone; it was a highend brand, Motorola

Gordon’s older brother, Gerard, had bought a Motorola last year. They had heard it cost over 3000 dollars

Even after a year of manual labor, Hilda couldn’t afford such a phone

Carlisle had foreseen Hilda’s reaction. He explained, I sold a piece of equipment in the game last night 

for over 30 thousand dollars!: 

How much?Hilda repeated. She thought she had misheard and accidentally dropped the cell phone 


30 thousand dollars!” 

Carlisle placed the 20 thousand dollars he had set aside on the old coffee table

He didn’t dare disclose the actual amount of 80 thousand dollars

After all, he had already given Sean twenty thousand and spent over 10 thousand on the phones

80 thousand dollars seemed like an immense amount to Hilda now

He feared she might not be able to handle it

Hilda gazed at the stack of crisp hundreddollar bills, her breathing slightly agitated

It took her a moment to compose herself. She fixed her gaze on Carlisle and asked sternly, Carlisle

where did this money come from?” 

I got it from selling game equipment!” 

Nonsense. What kind of game equipment could sell for so much money?” 

Hilda clearly doubted his explanation

Carlisle had no choice but to keep explaining about The Legendary Tale to Hilda. He even took out his phone and had Hilda call Sean to confirm

Sean exaggerated the story even further. Aunt Hilda, Carlisle is telling the truth. We even sold the equipment at a discount. Originally, it could have been sold for 50 thousand dollars!” 


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