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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 350

Chapter 350 

Given Jalen’s relationship with the police department, trying to take shortcuts seemed nearly impossible

Boss, these two are too tightlipped.” 

Henry approached wearing a dark expression

Jalen said coldly. “Then rip their tongues out so they can never tolkanall 

A flash of ruthlessness crossed Henry’s eyes as he picked up a pair of pliers and walked toward Benjamin

Siriusface changed drastically. He looked at Benjamin with fear

However, Benjamin showed an indifferent expression as if to say even death wouldn’t make him speak

Henry gripped Benjamin’s jaw, clamping his tongue with the pliers

I’ll give you one last chance. Speak now, or you never will again.” 

Benjamin simply stretched his tongue out further, expressing his resolve

Jalen’s phone abruptly rang

He quickly picked up the phone and glanced at the screen, seeing an unknown number

After a moment’s hesitation, he answered, This is Jalen Holder.” 

Your daughter is with me,the voice on the other end was deep and muffled, clearly altered to disguise

the speaker’s identity

Jalen’s voice was cold

Who are you, and why did you kidnap my daughter?” 

The voice on the other end chuckled sinisterly

I’m just using your tactics against you.” 

Jalen’s eyes narrowed

What do you mean? I’ve never kidnapped anyone.” 

Is that so? Perhaps you give it some more thought.” 

The voice laughed

Jalen’s tone remained steady

I’ve been out of that business for many years. I haven’t kidnapped anyone.” 

Need a reminder? The Thompson family!” 

The voice turned more serious

Before Jalen could respond, the voice continued, Benjamin and my other associate are in your hands. If anything happens to them, you might never see your daughter again. If they lose a limb or two, your daughter might suffer the same fate. What a delicate flower she is!” 

The caller was Carlisle, speaking through a metal mask that completely altered his voice

Henry was just about to pull out Benjamin’s tongue when Jalen urgently called out, Henry, stop!” 

Henry looked at Jalen in puzzlement. At the sight of Jalen on the phone, he guessed it was the kidnapper calling and releasing the pliers

Benjamin appeared calm but was actually drenched in sweat

The thought of having his tongue pulled out was excruciating

Jalen’s voice was icy

Are you from the Thompson family?” 

Carlisle chuckled

It doesn’t matter who I am. Release the two men you have, and then we’ll talk about conditions.” 

Jalen laughed angrily

Why should I release them if you don’t release my daughter first?” 

Oh? Mr. Holder, do you think those men are significant to me?” Carlisle asked nonchalantly

If they weren’t, you wouldn’t have told me not to touch them!Jalen retorted with a cold laugh

Think whatever you want. My stance remains the same. I won’t contact you again if I don’t see my men. And if they come back with any missing limbs, your daughter will suffer the same. If you don’t believe me, Mr. Holder, we can put it to the test.” 

With that, Carlisle hung up

Son of a bitch. Jalen cursed

-He clenched his teeth in rage

He raised his phone, ready to smash it, but then stopped as he knew it was his only line of communication with the kidnappers

With a serious face, Henry asked, What did the kidnapper say?” 

Jalen’s face was pale

He wants me to release these two before negotiating.” 

Henry frowned

Their goal is likely to exchange Ms. Holder for the Thompson family, right?” 


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