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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 

Benjamin’s eyes widened at Carlisle’s text

Carlisle was asking for 15 million dollars, the same sum he had invested

Benjamin thought Carlisle ought to take some profit for himself even after recovering 

his initial investment

What did Carlisle say?Sirius asked tentatively, his face still mapped with bruises

As far as Sirius could tell, Heath and Benjamin were nothing more than dispensable tools to Carlisle. He didn’t seem to think of them as friends, and he had undoubtedly 

told Benjamin to sell off those assets so he could pocket the profit

See for yourself,Benjamin said as he handed Sirius the phone

Valin peered over Siriusshoulder to read the text from Carlisle as well. His and Siriusjaws fell open when they saw what Carlisle wrote

They couldn’t believe Carlisle was only asking for 15 million dollars

Being Heath’s confidantes, Sirius and Valin knew Carlisle had given Heath the 15 

million dollars he needed to kickstart the gang

In other words, Carlisle was asking for no more than his initial investment. At this 

point, he was practically running a charity


Do you see what kind of person Carlisle is now?Benjamin drawled

Sirius looked down at his lap and muttered, I should have never doubted him. I’ll 

apologize to Carlisle on my knees when I see him next time.” 

Valin sighed and said, Carlisle must think of you and Heath as true friends or he 

wouldn’t have sent Heath back home to let his parents care for him.” 

Sirius gave a grave nod. I will gladly die for Carlisle if things come down to it.” 

They now regarded him as highly as they did Benjamin and Heath

Just then, Valin sighed again. What do we do while Heath is still in a coma?” 

Sirius crossed his legs in a leisurely manner and said, What’s there for us to do other than kick back and relax? I’m sure Heath will have plenty of jobs for us once he 

wakes up.” 

Benjamin stared at the road ahead as he spoke up from the passenger seat. Carlisle doesn’t think I have what it takes to run our operations, which is why he wants me to wait for Heath to regain consciousness. I have to show him I’m just as capable as 


Valin and Sirius looked up at Benjamin, who suddenly sounded so grownup that they didn’t see a trace of the young man who had previously relied on Heath for everything

Francis couldn’t help casting a sidelong glance at Benjamin, and a thought crossed his mind: the fledgling was ready to take flight

After texting Benjamin, Carlisle gave Gordon a call

Hey, Carlisle,Gordon greeted in his pleasant baritone

Carlisle cut to the chase and asked, Dad, the friend I told you about the other day will be heading to Franklin Complex today. Did you hear back from Mr. Hughes?” 

Gordon grumbled, The old geezer is so full of himself that he thinks 500 dollars is 

too little to be worth his while

I had to give him another thousand dollars before he agreed. I can’t believe this is the thanks I get for helping his son get a job!” 

Carlisle sputtered. 1500 dollars isn’t that much, Dad. Even a day in the intensive care unit could cost 2000 dollars.” 

He continued, This friend of mine is important to me. I’d have given Mr. Hughes 15 

million dollars if he asked for it.” 

Alright, stop with the jokes. 15 million dollars. Ha! Do you think money grows on 


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