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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38 

Lucy called out Sarah’s name

Sarah took a deep breath and then stepped forward confidently

As she moved, her classmates watched with anticipation

Sarah consistently ranked at the top in final exams each year. So, It was certain she’d meet the Tier

University requirement

When she received her report folder, she opened it directly in front of the class

It revealed a total score of 1325

Relief washed over Sarah, and a contented smile spread across her face

Lucy beamed and said, Congratulations, Sarah!” 

Sarah bowed to Lucy with modesty. Thank you for your guidance over the past three years, Ms. Turner!” 

Lucy’s smile widened even further at her words

Sarah, what’s your score?Herman asked curiously

The rest of the class eagerly listened to her response

I scored a total of 1325 points!Sarah announced her score confidently

Wow!The entire class erupted in shocked voices, followed by a warm round of applause

Sarah smiled brightly and glanced at Carlisle. She expected to see admiration in Carlisle’s eyes

However, Carlisle remained calm and composed. He spared her no glance as if he hadn’t noticed her at 


Sarah thought he probably felt challenged upon seeing her scores. She smirked subtly and confidently 

returned to her seat

Christine Goodman!Lucy called out another name

Christine went to the front to collect the report folder. After returning to her seat, she was eager to open it

She scored a total of 1340


ands trembled slightly as tears of excitement welled up in her eyes

Carlisle ZahnLucy’s voice rang out as she called the last name on the list

Carlisle stood up from his seat and accepted the report folder handed by Lucy

Once seated, he carefully opened the folder and retrieved his score report

It revealed a total score of 1400

Carlisle’s expression remained unchanged as if he had already known his score

Carlisle, what’s your score?Herman’s voice come from behind

The whole class held their breath, awaiting Carlisle’s response

In the month before the SATS, Carlisle had put in a lot of effort. No one knew how much progress he had 


Sean snapped out of his joy and leaned over to catch a glimpse of Carlisle’s score report

Damn! You scored a total of 1400 points?Sean’s eyes widened in disbelief

Carlisle had previously ranked even lower than Sean in the past exams

Did he really become a top student with just a month of revision

What? Carlisle scored 1400 points?” 

Damn, that doesn’t make sense. How did he pull it off?” 

This is unbelievable. People who sleep in class every day still manage to get such high scores. Those of us who study hard only score around 950. What kind of world is this?” 

He must have cheated!” 


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