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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 394

Chapter 394 

After Wanda was done, she flushed and went to wash her hands

Carlisle brought Wanda back to the bedroom and urged her to go back to sleep

However, Wanda was wide awake and could not go back to sleep, so she asked Carlisle to sing for her

Carlisle leaned against the headboard and asked gently, What song do you want to 


Wanda snuggled in Carlisle’s arms and listened to his strong heartbeat in silence. She then whispered, Any song. 

In that case, I’ll sing you Let’s Get Married.Carlisle cleared his throat and started to sing softly

A pure white wedding dress, flowers in your hand. It’s as beautiful as a fairy tale” 

It was another song that Wanda had never heard before

While listening to his singing, she imagined herself marrying Carlisle. She wore a gorgeous white wedding dress while Carlisle wore a crisp suit. They both walked into the church together

Her parents, Zachary, Lethan, and Shania were all smiles as they looked at her and 


She fell asleep in Carlisle’s arms after the song was finished. Carlisle leaned his face against her head and closed his eyes to sleep as well

Queenie knocked on the door at 6:00 am. Carlisle, Dr. Reyes is here.” 

Why was he here so early? The sun was not even up yet

Carlisle lowered his head to look at Wanda, only to find that she was already awake

She was staring at the blanket, not moving at all

He gently scratched her waist and said, Max has come to check on you. Let’s get up

Queenie pushed the door open and walked in. She was relieved when she saw that they had their clothes on. Did you both sleep sitting up last night?” 

Wanda slept upright after she came back from the bathroom.Carlisle briefly explained as he got up and helped Wanda to put on her shoes

They came to the living room, and Carlisle greeted Max first. Good morning, Max.” 

Good morning,replied Max with a smile

He then took a glance at Wanda and exclaimed, It’s good to be young. She’s almost recovered after a night’s rest. If it were a middleaged or elderly man, it would take them three to five days to recover.” 


Carlisle politely said, It’s because of your excellent medical skills.” 

Max laughed. You’re flattering me. Remember to treat Mr. Spencer to steak tonight.” 

Wanda also tugged at Carlisle’s sleeve when she heard the word steak. She muttered, “Steak” 

Max’s smile grew wider. Gareth would definitely get to have steak tonight

Queenie said at this moment, Wanda likes to eat at the famous Wonderland 

Steakhousedown on Northdale Street.” 

Carlisle nodded. Let’s have dinner there tonight.” 

Max said, Then, I won’t take up too much of your time before class. Feed Wanda the herbal medicine again, and prevent her from being stimulated like last night. If she has another panic attack, I’m afraid she might really have an intracranial hemorrhage


Alright, I’ll stay with her and promise to take care of her,Carlisle declared with 


Max left after some small talk

Queenie went to the kitchen to reheat the herbal medicine. Then, she tried to feed it 

to Wanda, but Wanda refused to open her mouth yet again


Tis think

d said, Let me feed it to her with my mouth.” 


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