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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 

Gordon scoffed. They’re giving us the cold shoulder now. Just walt until you become successful. You will be too good for them when that time comes!“. 

After some more small talk with Gordon, Carlisle ended the call

He had just walked to the field when an announcement was made through the school’s PA system. Carlisle Zahn, please take a look at the school building.” 

Carlisle stopped in his tracks. He turned his head toward the school building. There was a figure that was 

standing at the top of the building

Then, a gigantic banner was unrolled downward like a waterfall

Heartfelt congratulations to Carlisle Zahn from Class 3A for entering Riverland University!” 

The voice in the announcement alerted all the students. Everyone glanced over

Isn’t that Ms. Tumer?” 

Dang, what was Carlisle’s test score that the teacher even put up a banner for him?” 

I think he scored 1400!” 

Soon enough, quite a number of students had walked to Carlisle’s side. As for Carlisle, he gave a nod of acknowledgment in the direction of the school building

Lucy watched the group of students on the field. Tears welled up in her eyes. After a while, she left the 

roof after a few of her colleagues convinced her to do so

The students surrounded Carlisle, asking him whether he was having a college entrance celebration. They were eager to go so that they could drink

Carlisle was smiling from ear to ear. He urged, Those who want a drink can come with me to Sunago 

Restaurant right now!” 

Let me go back and get some money. I need to make sure I have enough congratulatory money!” 

I need to make a trip back too!” 

Why do you want to head back? How much do you guys need? I can lend it to you!Sean offered as he whipped out ten 100dollar bills from his pocket

The students were floored. That looked like a thousand dollars. Sean was loaded

veryone knew that Sean came from a rich family. He was one of the few students in the class

who owned a Walkman

Herman rubbed his hands together and said, Sean, please lend me 20 dollars!” 

Abigail took out some money from her pocket and inspected them


In this generation, congratulatory money was usually around 10 to 20 dollars

She did have 20 dollars, but they were in the form of small change. That didn’t look good

Quentin didn’t have any money on him. He, too, borrowed 20 dollars from Sean

Some other students borrowed money from Sean as well. He didn’t refuse all those who requested. He went to the tuck shop outside to get some small change. Then, he distributed 20 dollars to each student

Sarah and Sienna were pushing their bikes as they walked over

They heard that the other students were borrowing money. Sienna couldn’t help but ask, Is there a graduation gathering?” 

Herman explained, Nope. We’re planning to go to Carlisle’s college entrance party!” 

Sienna curled her lips. She turned behind to take a glance at Sarah

Sarah walked over while pushing her bike. She directed her question at Carlisle. Can I attend your college entrance celebration?” 

Carlisle smiled slightly. We’re schoolmates. Of course you can!” 

A smile flashed across Sarah’s face. She then said to Sean, Sean, let me borrow 20 dollars too!” 

Sean faked a smile. Is Belle Gates short of money?” 

Sarah glared at him. I didn’t bring any money out today. How about that?” 

Frankly speaking, it wasn’t that she didn’t have any money with her today. She simply couldn’t bear to part 

with 20 dollars


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