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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

Kelly started crying. He got Into Riverland University

Everyone in the room was flabbergasted

Riverland University? Carlisle got into Riverland University? This was unimaginable

Kelly’s score of 1225 could 

Kelly’s score of 1225 could only get her into Tier 2 universities

Yet, Carlisle was able to get into a Tier 1 university? What was his score then

Maria’s face became twisted. Are you trying to trick us, Kelly?” 

Kelly shook her head in tears. Riverland TV station even came to interview him!” 

Upon hearing that, Gerard turned on the color TV in the hall and switched to Riverland TV Station’s channel. The scene in which Carlisle was interviewed was shown

Carlisle’s college admission party is about to begin. We won’t take up too much of his time. This will be all for today’s interview

When we have time, we will have an exclusive interview with Carlisle’s parents to better understand the kind of family that’s able to bring up such an outstanding child!” 

Gerard stared at the television blankly. Waves of emotions surged within him, and he couldn’t calm himself down even after a long time

Maria looked as if she had lost her soul. That’s impossibleThere’s no way that Carlisle got into Riverland University. He must have cheated!” 

He scored 1400 even though he handed in his papers within 30 minutes? Who would believe that

Gerard, I’ve also received Gordon’s invitation. I’ll go over to give him some money to congratulate him!” 

Oh, right. I received his invite, too. Please bring 50 dollars over on my behalf. We’re a family. Even if I’m not going over, I should at least deliver my wishes!” 

I’ll head over to have a look too!” 

The villagers of Helios Village spoke up one by one

Riverland University was way more prestigious than the Tier 2 universities that Kelly got into. They had to forge good connections with Gordon’s family

Naturally, Gerard wasn’t able to hold them back. He simply sat in his seat and smoked his cigarette

A moment later, the lively hall became much quieter

However, soon enough, the villagers returned because there weren’t enough seats at Sunago Restaurant

Even though there were more than ten tables of quests, all the tables were full. The villagers were also tactful enough to avoid mentioning Carlisle’s family

Chapter 14 

Even so, Gerard and his family couldn’t bring themselves to smile. They had also lost their appetites

Xander Zahn was chewing on some ham hock and had its grease all over his mouth. Dad, is Riverland University that great?” 

There was a loud smack. Kelly had landed a slap on Xander’s face

Shut up… 

Right now, it made her apnoyed to hear those two wordsRiverland University

Xander started bawling immediately


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