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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 

Carlisle replied, Yup!” 

Owen questioned, You mentioned earning money. How do you propose to earn money?

There were two things that he was most interested ingaming and making money. He had limited allowance from home. He would usually use up each week’s allowance within two days. Then, he would only have bread on the five remaining days of the week

He had no way of earning money 

Now that Carlisle was offering to take him to earn money, he would be definitely interested

Carlisle: I’m planning to open a game account farming studio at Riverland!” 

Owen: What’s game account farming?” 

Carlisle: It’s where we build up ingame stats. Then, we will be massively gold farming and collecting equipment and materials. Then, we will package these and sell them off!” 

At the end of the day, Owen was a young man addicted to the internet. In a jiffy, he understood what Carlisle meant. He tapped on his keyboard excitedly and asked, You mean to say, we’ll be able to earn money just by playing games?

Carlisle: That’s one way to understand it!” 

Owen: But I’m still schooling right now. My mom would kill me if she found out that I’m not studying!” 

Without waiting for Carlisle to reply, Owen sent him another message. Also, you’ll need to rent a space and purchase computers if you want to run a studio. Where are we going to get the funds?” 

Carlisle: Don’t worry about money. It’s all up to you to convince your mother!” 

Owen: Alright then. I’ll give it a try. I’ll contact you again to 

After chatting with Owen, Carlisle suddenly realized that someone had sent him a friend request

He opened the notification and saw that it was from a stranger whose username was Sweet_like_candy. Her profile photo was of a lady with the most oldfashioned blue hair

The rating on her MSN messenger account was three stars

Sweet like candy. Hi, good day!” 

Bygones_b_bygones: “Hello. You are?” 

Sweet_like_candy: You can call me Wanda!” 

Bygories_b_bygones: You’re Wanda Thompson?” 

For some reason, Carlislé felt touched. He didn’t have Wanda’s contact number. She wasn’t someone 

who went online very frequently. So, he barely had a chance to chat with her


During the two months of summer vacation, he would often think about the innocent, shorthaired woman. He even dreamt of her a few times

In his dream, both of them became chummy lovers. They went shopping and watched movies together. They also went to the amusement park and sat on the Ferris wheel together

His MSN notification sounded

Sweet_like_candy replied, Who’s Wanda? My name is Rwanda Bell!” 

Carlisle lifted the corners of his lips into a slight smile. He had lived two lives. Could a childish trick like this deceive him

Bygones_b_bygones: I’m sorry, I might have mistaken you for someone else!” 

Sweet_like_candy: So, who’s Wanda?” 

Bygones_b_bygones: She’s my girlfriend. I thought that this was her alternative account!” 

There was no response for a long time after he sent that message

Bygones_b_bygones: Why have you stopped replying?” 

Sweet_like_candy: I had something to do earlier!” 

Bygones_b_bygones: You’re not her. Let’s just delete each other’s contact!” 

Sweet_like_candy: No way!” 

Bygones_b_bygones: Why not?” 

Sweet_like_candy: I’m really bored, and I don’t have many friends online!” 

Bygones_b_bygones: But I’m afraid that my girlfriend would be jealous!” 

Sweet_like_candy. But she doesn’t know!” 

Bygones_b_bygones: How do you know that she doesn’t know?” 

Sweet_like_candy: It’s just a guess!” 

Carlisle was smiling from ear to ear. She didn’t even know how to lie! How had he never realized that she was so adorable

CarlWhen are we starting to make money? I can’t wait!Sean suddenly asked. He was standing by the side of the road and waiting for the light to turn green


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