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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55 

Then, why don’t you stay here while I go to another hotel?Kelvin suggested with a hint of disappointment

Sarah nodded. That would be great. Thank you, Kelvin!” 

Kelvin was the mysterious person who had arranged for someone to deliver breakfast to Sienna and her

She and Kelvin weren’t in the same class. Kelvin was the top student in Class 3C and was also the class monitor

There had also been rumors circulating in school that his father was a senior executive in a listed 

company and had an annual eaming of nearly 100 thousand dollars. That amount was enough to buy a house in town

Had she known earlier that Kelvin had a crush on her, she would have never gotten involved with Carlisle. Kelvin took out a hundreddollar bill and placed it on the counter. Get her the most luxurious room!” 

The receptionist immediately accepted the money and handed over a key. Room 608!” 

Sarah took the key and headed toward the elevator. Before entering, she turned back to bid Kelvin goodbye, flashing him a charming smile. Bye, Kelvin! See you tomorrow!” 

Kelvin nodded with a smile

As the elevator door closed, Zachary and Wanda arrived at the front desk

Zachary said, Give me the keys to room 908 and 909!” 

Noticing that it was their boss, the receptionist quickly took out two brandnew keys from the drawer

Kelvin was left momentarily stunned. Upon noticing Wanda, he taunted, Wanda, you always looked so innocent. Who would have thought that you would also be messing around with men….” 


Before Kelvin could finish his sentence, Zachary delivered a heavy slap to his face

Kelvin instantly blew up in anger. How dare you hit me!” 


Zachary delivered another kick to his chest

Kelvin was sent flying to the ground. With his hands clutching his chest, he yelled at Zachary, How dare you hit me! I’m going to call the cops and have you arrested!” 

With that, he took out his phone and made a phone call

The security guards who were standing guard outside heard the commotion and quickly rushed in

Kelvin exclaimed, Guards, this man hit me! Quickly kick him out!” 

Chapter 55 

Zachary impatiently instructed the security guards, Get this piece of trash out of this hotel!” 

Covering his swollen face with his hand, Kelvin yelled, Do you think you own this hotel? Do you expect them to throw me out when you were the one who hit me?” 

Zachary scoffed as he looked down at Kelvin. He then glanced at the two guards who had walked in and said casually, Why don’t you guys tell him whether I own this hotel or not?” 

He owns this hotel!

Young man, you seem young. It’s best if you just leave on your own!the head of the security team said 


Kelvin was left absolutely dumbfounded

Did he really just insult the owner of this hotel

Are you still not leaving?” 

The guard yelled, causing Kelvin to scramble out the door

With his hands in his pocket, Zachary strode toward the hotel


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