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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

It was a hectic day for new students. By the time Carlisle completed the enrollment procedures and settled down, it was already evening

The dormitory was a room for 

the place was a steamer

Iwith only two ceiling fans. The entire room was stifling hot. It felt as if 

Carlisle had initially planned to take a cold shower to cool down, but upon seeing the long line outside the public bathroom, he immediately abandoned the idea

He removed his shirt and jeans and changed into beach shorts. He then lay down on the bed to rest

-He took out his phone and sent Sweet_like_candy a message. Watcha doing?” 

After three minutes, he still didn’t get a reply

He assumed that she must be busy with the enrollment procedures

Carlisle closed his eyes, planning to take a nap

Just then, a loud voice suddenly came from the door. Hello, everyone!” 

Kelvin walked into the room with his suitcase in one hand and a huge plastic bag in the other. Inside the huge plastic bag were cans of chilled Cokes

Let me introduce myself. My name is Kelvin. From now on, we’re roommates

Let me treat you all to some chilled Coke!” 

Kelvin placed his suitcase beside him and distributed the chilled Coke to everyone

Thanks, man!” 

You’re too kind! Thank you!” 

Thanks, Kelvin!” 

The roommates who received the Cokes thanked Kelvin with bright smiles

Soon, Kelvin approached Carlisle’s bed. Just as he was about to hand Carlisle a can of Coke, he suddenly paused, Carlisle, do you remember me? I’m also from Rainville High School!” 

Carlisle paused. Then, he replied with a smile, Of course I do. You’re Kelvin, Class 3C’s class monitor.” 

There were only three classes in his high school. Hence, it was natural for him to know all the class 


However, Carlisle was a little shocked that Kelvin would recognize him

He didn’t remember having any interaction with Kelvin before

I’m sure you’re curious as to how I recognize you, right?” 

Kelvin seemed to have noticed Carlisle’s puzzlement and asked with a playful smile

Carlisle quickly figured out the reason. It must be because of Sarah, right?” 

Haha! Have some coke!Kelvin laughed as he handed Carlisle a can of Coke

Thank you, but I’m not thirsty… 

Carlisle tried to decline when he suddenly noticed the cold look in Kelvin’s eyes

He was certain that they would have a hard time getting along in the future

Kelvin took a seat on Carlisle’s bed and said lowly, Carlisle, could you do me a favor? I’ll give you 50 dollars for it!” 

What is it?” 

Could you spread a message in the class group chat? Tell everyone that someone spotted Wanda checking into a hotel with a man” 

Kelvin had contacted a few of his classmates last night, but they all rejected his request

Carlisle was also from Class 3A, so having him spread this news was the best option

What did you sav 

His eyes widened in shock as his face turned incredibly pale

He thought, Did he say that Wanda checked into a hotel with another man? How is that possible?” 

How could the usually shy Wanda possibly check into a hotel with a man

It was clearly a lie

Carlisle swatted Kelvin’s hand away from his shoulder and said blankly, Kelvin, it’s wrong to spread lies!” 

Who says I’m spreading lies? I saw it with my own eyes last night. That man owns the Four Seasons 


Kelvin pulled out his wallet from his pocket and took out a 100dollar bill. If you share this news with the class group chat, this will be yours!” 

Damn! You sure are rich, Kelvin!” 

Kelvin, I’ll follow you from now on!” 


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