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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 

The students instantly became quiet

Susan nodded in satisfaction and smiled. Now, why don’t we have everyone come up and introduce themselves?” 

She then looked toward the first row on the left. Let’s start from the first student on the left!” 

The person who was seated at the very left was Christine. She took a deep breath before stepping up to the platform to introduce herself

Hello, everyone. My name is Christine Goodman, and I’m from Rainville. It’s a pleasure to meet you all!Christine said as she gave everyone a slight bow

The students immediately applauded, with the male students looking particularly excited 

While Christine was dressed in plain clothing, her beauty was unconcealable 

Christine shyly returned to her seat. The next student followed to step on the platform

Hello, everyone. My name is David Welsh, and I’m from Erawon City!” 

David wore a pair of glasses and was rather short, sporting a height of approximately 5 feet 2 inches

He seemed a little nervous. After a brief introduction, he quickly returned to his seat

The students took turns going up to introduce themselves. With their classmates taking the lead, the rest of the students slowly began to loosen up. Some of them who loved singing even started to show off 

their skills 

Soon, it was Carlisle’s turn

He stood up from his seat, immediately attracting quite a lot of attention from the girls

He’s so handsome” 

Wow! He must be at least 6 feet!” 

He really is so handsome! Why can’t I be the one sitting next to him?” 

A few girls murmured

Carlisle cleared his throat and smiled. Good day, everyone! My name is Carlisle Zahn, and I’m from Rainville. It’s an honor to be here with you all today

My goal for coming to this school is to be able to make more friends. More importantly, it’s to improve my abilities, be it in my academic or other endeavors

Fate has brought us together, and I hope to become good friends with you all in the future. Let us work together to become better people. Thank you!” 

The moment Carlisle opened his mouth to speak, he instantly became the center of attention. As he 

Chapter 64 


finished his introduction, the class instantly erupted in applause. Even Susan couldn’t help but take notice

of him

Carlisle calmly returned to his seat. Wanda gave him a thumbs up and praised, Very impressive, Carlisle!” 

He grinned. You’re too kind, Wanda!” 


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