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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 7


Wanda returned to the classroom just before class. Carlisle noticed she had changed into a different set of clothes. As a day student, Wanda had to go home to change clothes

Carlisle, thank you.Wanda buried her head and thanked Carlisle with her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She looked adorable

If you really want to thank me, just help me with my studies!Carlisle couldn’t help but smile

Wanda pursed her pink lips and said softly. As long as you’re willing to study, I will help o you!” 

Carlisle was touched. There weren’t many in the class who respected him

Wanda came from a welloff family, and had good grades. Yet she didn’t despise him at all. She was even willing to help him study

At that moment, Carlisle’s heart fluttered. Could it be that Wanda chose to stay at Riverland University just because of him

Then, the thought was quickly dismissed by Carlisle. He didn’t have any outstanding qualities besides his 


There were plenty of people in the class who were better than him. How could someone from a wealthy family like Wanda be interested in a poor guy like him

During their selfstudy session, Wanda patiently tutored Carlisle, and he studied diligently

Whether it was because of his reincarnation or not, Carlisle realized that his mind was exceptionally 

sharp. Concepts he couldn’t grasp before became clear when Wanda explained them

Wanda handed Carlisle a math test paper and said, Complete this paper!” 

Okay!Carlisle picked up the mineral water on the table and took a few sips

Wanda widened her eyes and said, Carlisle” 

What’s wrong?” 

That’s mine.Wanda blushed. She had drunk half of the mineral water Carlisle bought while getting 

sanitary pads

No wonder it’s so sweetCarlisle licked his lips and seemingly savored the taste

Wanda’s face turned even redder, with her heart pounding fast. He drank from the same bottle she did. Wasn’t this like an indirect kiss? Her face flushed, and she buried her head close to the desk

Carlisle smirked and started filling out the test paper, Interestingly, Wanda got embarrassed so easily

Towards the end of the school day, Carlisle handed the completed test paper to Wanda. After casually scanning it, Wanda looked at Carlisle in shock and asked, Did you cheat without me knowing?” 

Although she had only glanced at it briefly, she could tell that Carlisle’s test paper could at least score 


seventy points. Considering Carlisle had never passed a math test before, it was shocking

Uh, you gave me the test paper. Shouldn’t the answers be with you?Carlisle replied with a smirk

But you learned so quickly?” 

It’s because your tutoring is excellent!” 

Is that so?Wanda blinked as she almost believed Carlisle’s nonsense

Yeah, that’s how it is!Carlisle nodded continuously

Sarah was observing the scene of them laughing and chatting. She clenched her fists as she was enraged

She knew what Carlisle was up to. He was deliberately getting close to other girls to get her attention. But did he think she would get jealous

With a pen in his mouth, Quentin suddenly pushed his test paper towards Sarah’s desk and asked, Sarah, do you know how to solve this-?” 

Get lost,Sarah interrupted

Oh.Quentin quickly retrieved his test paper and dared not to look at Sarah again

After school, Wanda received a call from her father while Carlisle was packing his books

Wanda, I have to go abroad for a while. The driver doesn’t have time to pick you up today. So, you’ll have to take a car back yourself!” 

Oh, I see,Wanda responded dejectedly

Why are you suddenly feeling so down?Carlisle asked while shouldering his backpack

My dad is going abroad again,Wanda sighed helplessly

You use the word againso well! Unlike my dad, who has never been abroad in his life!Carlisle then 

smiled wryly

Wanda blinked her watery eyes and said, My dad needs the car. So there’s no one coming to pick me up today. Would you mind giving me a ride home?” 

Carlisle raised an eyebrow and responded, I’d be honored!” 

But my house is quite far away!” 

No problem, I’m good at riding bikes!” 

Carlisle and Wanda carried their backpacks and walked out of the classroom, chatting and laughing

You ar 

Damn it, Carlisle, you’re putting love over friendship! to wait for me,Sean cursed as he prepared to sweep the classroom

Wanda followed Carlisle to the parking lot. Multiple rows of bicycles were parked there. Carlisle’s bike was a mountain bike his dad bought after three months of quitting smoking

Riding bikes wasn’t allowed on campus. So, Carlisle pushed his bike toward the school gate, with Wanda 


walking beside him. They looked like a pair of young lovers

Sarah, do you think Carlisle might be falling for someone else?Not far away, Sienna watched Carlisle and Wanda’s departure and began to doubt their relationship

How is that possible? Wanda is known for being a good girl. She couldn’t possibly be in a relationship! Besides, apart from being rich, how can she compare to me?Sarah expressed her confidence

Although she said so, she couldn’t help but feel a little doubtful too. Since yesterday, Carlisle’s attitude. towards her had completely changed

Today, he even hesitated to buy her a bottle of mineral water. This made her wonder whether she was 

waiting for him to apologize or if he was waiting for her to apologize to him, But she clearly hadn’t done anything wrong

Wanda lived in the city center, approximately three miles away from the school

Carlisle pedaled as fast as he could, almost flaring the bike chain. But it still took him more than forty minutes to get her to the neighborhood. It was summer, and Carlisle’s clothes were soaked in sweat

Carlisle, thank you.Wanda blushed and thanked him

Carlisle grinned. No problem, I’ll head back now!” 


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