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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73 

“What Heath said makes sense. So, we have to work hard to make money and achieve what we boasted 


Owen looked at the hundreds of dollars in his hand, his eyes filled with longing for the future

An hour later, the taxi arrived outside A1 Seafood Restaurant

Then, Carlisle called Sean

Sean had arrived early and booked a luxury package worth nearly three thousand dollars

In 2004, even wealthy families weren’t so extravagant as to spend nearly three thousand dollars on a meal. It was more expensive than their previous ninecourse meal

After getting to know each other, they sat in the private room to discuss

Carlisle gave an overview of his game studio plan. The others listened with great interest

Heath held a cigarette and squinted. The rate to obtain the game equipment is too low. The price is reducing too quickly. Can this thing make money?” 

Yes, we can make a lot of money from this!” 

Carlisle stated confidently, As long as we have enough game accounts, we can increase the number of equipment, gold coins, and supplies. The Legendary Tale attracts a large number of players. Our goods will only be in short supply. We can also make money from several pirated games. This market is wide!” 

Heath took a long drag on his cigarette before asking hoarsely, Have you estimated how much you can earn in a day?” 

Carlisle leaned on the chair. He tapped his fingers on the table and said with a slight smile, Set this 

matter aside. Let’s first talk about how we cooperate!” 

Several people stared at Carlisle closely. Heath replied, We are listening. Just state your conditions!” 

He never considered making great wealth

How could there be a career that allowed him to play games while making money? He only wanted enough money to last a lifetime and didn’t want Benjamin to suffer poverty with him

I have two suggestions for cooperation. The first is that I’ll pay you two hundred dollars a day. The second option is that I’ll give you a 10% commission on the net profit every month!” 

After Carlisle finished speaking, he took a sip from the teacup on the table

Two hundred a day?Owen’s eyes widened

The average workingclass earned only 20 to 30 dollars per day. However, Carlisle offered a salary of two hundred dollars per day. Was he engaging in digging for gold

choose the first onel! have one more conditionI want to get paid every day

Chapter 73 

Heath was so excited that he slapped the table and made his decision on the spot

Benjamin whispered, Heath, do you really believe him?” 

The salary of two hundred dollars per day had completely subverted his cognition

Except for corporate executives, ordinary people like them without academic qualifications would never 

be able to find such a career in their lifetime

Heath rolled his eyes at Benjamin. Are you deaf? I told him he had to settle our wages every day. He has already given us two hundred. That’s equivalent to one day’s income. Even if he can’t make money, we’ll still get paid!” 


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