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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 


Carlisle gritted his teeth. He took out his phone to search for information about Islo Clothing. After half an hour of trying, he couldn’t find the chairman’s phone number

Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly remembered that Sean’s father was in the textile 

business. Rory seemed to have business dealings with Islo Clothing

Carlisle opened MSN messenger and contacted Sean

Sean, you said your family has business dealings with Islo Clothing, right?” 

Carl, I was bragging. Islo Clothing is a highclass business. How can our workshop be qualified to cooperate with them?” 

Damn it! You fooled me!” 

I didn’t lie, though. Islo Clothing’s supplier ships out orders. My dad takes the orders from the suppliers. Isn’t it also considered business dealings with Islo Clothing?” 

Get me the phone number of the chairman of Islo Clothing!” 

Holy shit! Where am I going to get that?” 

Call your dad for help!” 

Okay, I’ll ask my dad tomorrow. Why do you want his phone number? Do you want to start a clothing business? Carl, we have to do it step by step. It’s not easy to run a clothing business” 

Carlisle promptly quit MSN messenger

The next day, Carlisle got up early. He wasn’t in the mood to have breakfast because of what happened last night, so he headed straight to the classroom

He thought he had arrived early enough, but he found that all his classmates were already there

When Carlisle entered the classroom, he noticed Christine’s gaze. He turned to look, but she immediately lowered her head

However, he noticed that her eyes were somewhat reddened

Christine had borrowed her roommate’s phone to log into MSN messenger this morning. When she saw Carlisle’s message, all her fantasies vanished

Carlisle sighed secretly before going to his seat in silence

Wanda wore a white dress today and exuded a flowery scent. She was concentrating on reading a book

Good morning, Wanda!Carlisle sat in his seat with a smile

Morning, Wanda responded lukewarmly

Chapter 80 


He grinned. Are you still angry?” 

She said nothing but picked up her pen and took notes in the book

When Carlisle wanted to take his book from the drawer, he touched something warm and quickly withdrew his hand

Holy crap! What is this?” 

He then looked down to find five warm bread rolls and a bottle of milk

Did you bring me breakfast?Carlisle felt warm

In the last two years of high school, he was the one who brought Sarah breakfast. Wanda was the first girl to bring him breakfast

Of course.Wanda rolled her eyes at Carlisle


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