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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

So, how should I thank you?Carlisle asked seriously

How about buying me coffee this Saturday?How

DeallCarlisle agreed without hesitation

Wanda was too easy to please. All it took was a cup of coffee, and she 

was content

She was always a piece of cake to appease whenever she was upset. To Carlisle, she was the ideal wife

As the class ended, Carlisle suddenly spoke, Wanda, I won’t be able to have lunch with you today. I have 

to take care of something!” 

What do you have to do, Carlisle?Wanda looked at him in confusion

They were both freshmen, so it baffled her that he was so busy

Carlisle explained with a smile. A friend of mine just moved here, and we’re planning to start a small 

business together. I might get busy from now on!” 

When she heard Carlisle was going into business, a gleam of ambition flashed in Wanda’s eyes

Carlisle was only a year older than her, yet he was already thinking about making money in college. She wondered if it was because he was aware of his family’s financial situation and felt pressured to do 


Well, go ahead and do your thing. I’ll support you!Wanda smiled sweetly, her eyes showing her happiness

She suddenly felt very lucky

While her peers were still asking their families for money, Carlisle was already starting a business. That 

was her kind of guy

Wanda and Phoebe walked ahead while Carlisle followed silently

As they left the building, Carlisle scanned his surroundings and spotted Mike with a few seniors nearby

His face darkened

He had never been threatened in his life

However, after being reborn, he was threatened by a college student in his early 20s, and he had no way 

of dealing with it

Mike took out a cigarette and lit it

One of his friends chuckled. This kid seems pretty obedient!” 

Of course he does. If we can’t even handle a freshman, how are we supposed to survive in this school?” 

Another scoffed

Mike pulled out his phone and sent a text message. Then, he waved his hand. Hey, let’s go have a feast.” 

Carlisle arrived at the rental house with four takeout meals in hand

Heath was busy setting up the internet connection with some of the staff. Meanwhile, Benjamin and Owen were passed out on the couch after pulling another allnighter

CarlHeath greeted him

chut have you? H….. 

Haven’t had up and eat!Carlisle put the takeout on the table

It was four servings of lasagna. They were a dollar more expensive per serving than the ones in Rainville

Heath nudged Owen and Benjamin with his foot, but they were fast asleep and wouldn’t wake up. So he sat down to eat with Carlisle

Heath narrowed his eyes. Carl, if you really want to get rid of Mike, I can help you… 

How?” Carlisle looked up at Heath


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