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Bad Love: An Alpha's Regret (Leah and Aaron) novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 

I don’t move. I don’t think I breathe. 

My body and mind detach in some way because I’m too much 

in shock to process what Liam’s saying. 

“I kil led dad,” he tells me, plain as day. 

“No. Nooo.” 

“He was going to bargain with that ba stard you married for 

your sake and his. Instead of standing strong and fighting. I 

had it all figured out. I had a loan lined up to float us until the 

military contract was completed. The company was fine! If he’d just waited…. If he’d just trusted me…” 

“Liam,” I swallow past the lump in my throat. 

There’s roaring in the distance. The thunder of many men and 


“I’ll keep my promise, Leah. And make it quick.” 

It’s the only warning I receive. 

Liam lunges, maw wide and teeth sharpening. I fire off rounds. There are fifteen in this mag, and the kick je rks up my 

arm with each shot. 

Liam ducks and slams into me. His teeth catch my throat, close to my shoulder, but high enough to graze my neck. 

He mauls me. Then steps back. He pulls the handkerchief from the pocket of his suit jacket and wipes his face. My blood is splattered on his chin. A splash of it stains his pristine shirt and suit jacket. “Just breathe and relax. Don’t fight it.” 

I close my eyes because I don’t want my last images on this 

earth to be of him. 


He’s in my heart and in my mind. 

His strength and will keep me calm even as the panic boils up and my body grows cold. It’s a bit of a surprise how quickly 

that chill sets in. 

I sink to my knees. 

My hands are at my throat, instinctively trying to stop the bleeding. But my hands are wet, and slipping beneath the 


I’m so sad. And scared. 

My body shakes with shock and with the knowledge that I’m 

dying. Every detail around me comes into crystalline detail as the world slows to each breath. The hard marble beneath my legs. The scent of woodsmoke from the fireplace. My brother’s glowing eyes as he watches me suffer. I close my eyes again. 

I think of Aaron. My head on his chest. His arms around me. 

Instead of feeling the pulse of my blood as I bleed out, I imagine it’s the pulse of his heart beneath my head. 

I think of summer nights and la zy mornings. Dancing in his 

arms and every time he fought for me. 

I’m going to miss him. So much. 

There’s a vicious roar. Then another. 

Something scorching hot hits my neck and my eyes fly open. 


He’s got a poker from the fireplace against my throat, cauterizing the wound. It burns so badly and the stench of burning skin and hair has me gagging. 

He looks like hel l. 

My neck is still burning when he slaps his hand over it. A breath hisses from his lips. “Stay with me!” 

But my eyes flicker. When I open them again. I smile. 


There he is. 

Aaron came. I don’t know how he knew to come and I’m sure it’s some simple detail like my phone or James, or calling his security team, but my thoughts wonder and trickle like water in a steam. I hope I will get to hold him one last time. To feel his big, strong arms around me. 

1 never told him he’d be a father. 

Tears leak from my eyes. I’ve wronged him. 

I’ve failed Aaron-and my baby. 

I reach for James but he’s yelling and screaming. 


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