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Bad Love: An Alpha's Regret (Leah and Aaron) novel Chapter 309

Chapter 309 

My whole body goes cold as I hear Aaron’s order for the doctor

Well, colder than I already felt, anyway

It’s like there’s ice water in my veins instead of blood

I wonder if that’s better or worse than the whitehot lava of rage that’d been boiling through my body since Aaron told me he was leaving and I saw that bitch, Leah, who just keeps ruining my life over and over

Axel helps me to my feet and then leads me over to the bed

That won’t be necessary,Axel says in a clipped tone, and I can practically feel him standing protectively over me. She’s calm now. She won’t get angry like that again, will you, Emily?” 

The way he says my namealmost making it sound exotic when it’s plain as Janemakes me shiver and I quickly shake my head, avoiding the judging gazes of both Aaron and the doctor

She did cut her hands, though,Axel continues, tone a little more reasonable now it seems like Aaron’s not about to sedate me into oblivion. So maybe the Doc can take a look at that.” 

The doctor looks questioningly at Aaron, waiting for permission, only moving toward me when Aaron gives a single nod

eyes are ghillering with his wolf

Anger is practically radiating off him

I know he’s upset about what I didattacking his wife and mate, the woman who is technically my Luna and the one I should look to above all other female pack membersbut I think he’s also pissed at what he overheard

About Axel being my mate and rejecting me

I wonder what Aaron is angrier about

The fact that someone like Axel is my mate in the first place, or that Axel rejected me out of hand without even giving us a chance to know one another

What will I do if Aaron insists on Axel honoring the mating bond after all

I can’t decide if I’m intrigued or terrified by the idea

Unbidden, I remember how Axel felt when he pinned me down in the hallway and clamped his teeth into the back of my neck to subdue me and make me submit

Partly, I’d been furious about how my body was reacting, that I could want someone who has treated me so terribly. Someone who hasn’t bothered hiding the fact that he doesn’t like me and is forced to interact with me only by order of my Alpha brother

When Axel had been on top of methe weight of him bearing 

me down, his hips flexing into mine, the alluring, masculine scent of him inundating my sensesall I’d wanted to do was submit

To melt in a puddle beneath him and let him do whatever he wanted to me

But it was a weakness to want that

It was a weakness to want to kiss him just now

And I’ve spent enough years being weak and helpless

So instead, I’d turned that want into more anger

Until I’d seen myself in the mirror

I’d seen how close I was to becoming the monster on the outside that I was hiding on the inside

And then, I’d only been furious and hateful toward myself

All of this, I knew, wouldn’t inspire Aaron to have any confidence in me

I’d be lucky if he didn’t just hand all of my responsibilities over to Jessica when he left, because I’d demonstrated yet again how I couldn’t handle things

Except ever since we’d had the party, and I’d slowly but surely felt more comfortable with members of the pack over the last few days, parts of me that I’d thought were long dead and buried 

were being brought back to life

But it’s dangerous to feel those things

I can’t get complacent and actually think I belong here among these wolves, with this pack that used to be my family

Eventually I’m going to have to work out where to go and what I’m going to do, because I can’t stay here hiding what I am for the rest of my life

One day soon, I might lose control even worse than I did today, and I know I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I actually hurt someone

The doctor checks my hands and says the wounds are superficial and should heal quickly enough on their own

He then checks me over while Aaron and Axel stand by watching

I can practically feel Aaron’s judgement and disappointment settling on my shoulders

When the doctor finishes, he turns to Aaron and tells him I seem fine now, as though I’m not even in the room

I want you to leave several doses of sedative with Axel,Aaron tells the doctor

Why?I demand, even though I’m sure I don’t want to hear the 


Aaron turns a level, aloof stare on me

So that next time you lose control like that, he can sedate you more quickly before you hurt yourself or anyone else.” 


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