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Bad Love: An Alpha's Regret (Leah and Aaron) novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55
Leah doesn’t say anything for a long, long time.
“Think of the consequences to our peace treaty. Our union holds our packs at peace, Leah.”
Her lips purse. I’m not really worried about the peace right now, and I’m pretty sure that Leah knows that. He ll, she’s an Alpha, she can make her own terms for peace with me now.
I’m trying to give her an out though, and to avoid insulting Councilwoman Karolina. Because for Leah to ask for Karolina’s
help and then snub her- because she’s worried that Karolina might turn out to be an even bigger threat than me… That won’t be a wise move for her.
Karolina’s the most bloodthirsty bi tch in North America.
Eventually Leah nods. She looks around the clearing at all these wolves assembled. Any one of them could attack her. They’re all seeing and probably thinking the same thing that I am:
Leah is the new Alpha of Pack Roberts.
And she’s about as powerful as a kitten.
Leah bows to Karolina. “He’s right. I have to consider the treaty
and blood debt.”
Karolina shrugs. “You’ll find your way.”
Leah bows again and walks back toward me. Smart girl. She has to know that traipsing off with anyone-even Karolina and her pack-could still be very dangerous.
Any wolf could ki ll her and potentially claim her power.
And that wouldn’t be deadly just to her. It would endanger all of Pack Roberts and her whole family.
“I still want a divorce,” Leah mumbles.
It’s said in an angry whisper. Not that it matters.
These are wolves. Some of them are still in their true forms. They hear anyway.
“For f**k’s sake, Leah.”
This is not the time nor the place.
Her eyes narrow angrily.
She’s furious. And I’m pi ssed too.
Nothing like airing allll our laundry in front of the Council and Tobin and my own pack.
“Think it through,” I tell her. Again. Only this time, I’m referring
to her relationship with me.
She stands beside me while I drag on clothes. One of my men even brought over my shoes.
“Fine,” she says. “You can escort me to my brother’s- to my lands,” she corrects herself. “But I don’t need you to stay or play watchdog, Aaron. Pack Roberts is my blood. This is my family.”
I’m not convinced. But apparently, she doesn’t want to heed my warning. I rock back on my heels. “Okay, Leah,” I relent.
This night has been long as f**k.
I’m tired.
And I’m over it.
What I have to say to her isn’t meant for this kind of crowd, and the sky is growing lighter, we’re not too far from dawn. We all need to get out of here.
“Madam Councilwoman,” I address Karolina. “You have my sincerest thanks.” I turn to Tobin. He’s a bonafide pain in my a ss. Not quite an enemy but not a true friend either, our relationship is long and complicated. “Tobin.” I nod.
He snorts.
No ‘thank yous’ or even ‘you’re welcomes’ – because we both know what his presence signified tonight. He came here and helped me defend what is mine. Maybe he’d plotted something
different. But in the end, he had my back.
There will be a price for it though.
Just how steep…that remains to be seen.
“Let’s roll out,” I tell my men, and they’re already shifting into action, the vehicles are tearing up the dirt roads into the clearing.
Councilmember Karolina arches one imperial brow and then she and the females surrounding her shift. They take off into the Grove with a dozen wolves trailing them.
“Threatening a council member…now there’s a bold move,” Tobin says.
“Sh ut up.”
He fist bumps James and then strolls off in the opposite direction. Tobin is a wildcard, and his wolves are among the fiercest on the continent. I think about that for a second. Two of the most vicious packs in existence assembled here tonight.
I’m not clear how the Council knew, or how Tobin or Karolina assembled teams so quickly.
But there’s no way this is a coincidence.
James shakes his head. His face contorts into a wry expression. No doubt he’s thinking the same thing as me.
When these other wolves finally leave, he expels a low whistle. “Well, that was exciting. You do know how to keep things interesting, Leah.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Patch her up,” I tell my men. It’s been hours since Brian mauled her and her wrist is caked with blood and her leg too. She’s a collection of bruises and cuts and scrapes.
Hugh comes forward with a med kit and starts field-dressing her injuries. He’d treated the one big gash on her leg already when he removed the shackles, but he makes sure that there aren’t any other wounds that he may have missed while I was constraining
“Thank you,” she tells him.
Hugh smiles at her.
There’s nothing sexual about it but the attention from him-he ll, from all of these other wolves tonight-makes me edgy.
“That’s enough,” I say. “Sun’s rising. We need to leave.”


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